He had already said it during the pandemic: “Worse than a crisis there is only waste”. And with the message sent “from the Polyclinic” Gemelli “”, the second with this wording, Pope Francis reiterates that the one generated by Covid “we have it, so to speak,” wasted “; We could have done more deeply in the transformation of consciences and social practices ». Writing to the participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life who gathered on the theme “The end of the world? Crisis, responsibility, hope “, speaks of” polychrisi “, a term that” evokes the drama of the historical situation that we are experiencing, in which wars, climate changes, energy problems, epidemics, migratory phenomenon, technological innovation “converge”. This polychrrisi “leads us to question us about the fate of the world and our understanding of it”.
Francesco invites a dialogue with science: «Listening to the sciences continually offers us new knowledge. We consider how much they tell us about the structure of the matter and the evolution of living beings: a much more dynamic vision of nature emerges compared to what was thought of in Newton’s times. Our way of understanding the “continuous creation” must be reworked, knowing that technocracy will not be saved: to support a utilitarian and planetary neoliberal deregulation means to impose the law of the strongest as the only rule; And it is a law that inhumanizes in front of a complex and planetary crisis, we are urged to enhance the tools that have a global scope “
In particular, the Pontiff asks to strengthen international bodies and multilateralism: “Unfortunately we must see a progressive irrelevance of international bodies, which are also undermined by short -sighted attitudes, worried about protecting particular and national interests”, he writes, “yet we must continue to commit ourselves with determination for more effective world organizations, equipped with authority to ensure the worldwide good and the eradication of the hunger The certain defense of fundamental human rights ». It is necessary to promote “a multilateralism that does not depend on the changing political circumstances or the interests of a few and that has a stable effectiveness. It is an urgent task that concerns whole humanity ».
For its part, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy of Life, presenting the assembly that will end tomorrow, used the image of the universal flood: “Not a flood sent by an angry God, but caused by the madness of the human, of the men who destroy and come to submerge life”. In the face of this scenario “we need a noé and boats that save the human that we are submerging”. Knowing that we are “a single house, a single family”, as Pope Francis explains in the whole brothers. “The link between all and everything is a dream that can help us draw a future of hope for everyone, without leaving anyone behind,” he concluded. “It is the planetary dream of saving us all together: either we save ourselves together or nobody is saved.”