In 2022, an official earned an average of 2,541 euros net per month. But according to his status and the slope to which he belongs, an agent can benefit from much more comfortable remuneration.
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Could the pay slip of public officials soon move? It is in any case a track that Laurent Marcangeli suggests, current Minister of the Public Service. During the wishes of the Superior Council of the Territorial Public Service last January, the former mayor of Ajaccio displayed his determination to restore attractiveness to the public sector. In addition to avenues to facilitate access to competitions, he said he was ready to open “Basically subjects, such as the evolution of trades, careers, with the overhaul of Indicious grids For example”a reform to which he ensures “Do not be opposed”.
Pending any changes, where the Official salaries ? INSEE precisely worked on the issue last September, by analyzing the remuneration data of the year 2022. Thus, an agent of the hospital public service (FPH) receives on average 2,734 euros net per month, against 2,743 euros for a state agent (FPE) and 2,145 euros in the territorial public service (FPT). Overall, the average salary of an official therefore amounts to 2,540.67 eurosor a remuneration slightly higher than that of the private sector, which reached 2,530 euros net in 2022.
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Average obliges, not all public officials are housed in the same brand. It is indeed necessary to distinguish the holders – Those who have succeeded in the assistance of the public service – of contractual agents, recruited for a fixed period or indeterminate, but without the status of civil servant. Unsurprisingly, Holders are better paid. In the hospital public service, they receive an average of 2,581 euros net per month, against 2,955 euros in the State Public Service and 2,216 euros in local authorities. Current contracts, on the other hand, earn much less: 2,030 euros net on average in hospitals, 2,222 euros in state administration and 1,908 euros in the territorial public service. A relative precariousness for these agents, often hired on temporary missions And with more limited prospects for evolution …
Agents of the State Public Service have the best wages
The slope is not the only criterion that explains the differences in remuneration. Salaries also vary depending on the category to which we belong: A, B, or C. at the top of the scale, the agents of Category A are the best lotis. Their pay sheet displays on average 3,001 euros net per month in hospitals, 3,193 euros in the state public service and up to 3,434 euros in local authorities. It is not surprising: these posts involve more important responsibilities and supervision functions, which results in a best remuneration. Next come category B agents, who receive an average salary of 2,474 euros net in the hospital public service, 2,632 euros in that of State and 2,422 euros in communities. Finally, category C – which brings together the least qualified positions – displays much lower remuneration: 2,047 euros net in hospitals, 2,161 euros in the FPE and 1,965 euros in the FPT.
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But beware, these average remuneration are Take with tweezers. Because the highest wages logically draw the figures upwards. To better reflect reality, INSEE is also based on the median salary, which separates in two all the agents: half gain less, the other half more. This is where The gaps are widening : 2,350 euros net in the hospital public service, 2,725 euros in the state public service, but only 1,947 euros in local authorities.
Bad student, the state civil service also concentrates the most marked salary inequalities. As proof, the 10% of the least well paid agents must be satisfied with a maximum of 1,531 euros net per month. At the other end of the spectrum, the best paid 10% exceed 3,984 euros net monthly, or 2.6 times more.
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