It is possible to break the fast during the period and to make up for the days missed later. This can relieve those who suffer during this period, whose plurality of interpretations is not always obvious to live.
Ramadan is a strong moment of spirituality and sharing for Muslims. But for women who have their rules, instructions can sometimes seem vague and arouse questions. Can they fast despite everything? Our two experts enlighten us.
What are the Ramadan instructions during periods? When to resume?
Ramadan corresponds to one of the five pillars of Islam And is therefore compulsory for healthy Muslims and able to practice it. “”When they have their rules, Women are exempt from fasting but can make up for the number of days missed at the end of Ramadan“Explains Mah Simpara, Vice-President of Lallab, feminist and anti-racist association.
Why a woman who has her period can’t do Ramadan?
“There is No clear and consensual explanation On the reason why women do not fast during their period. There is thus a plurality of interpretations according to where we are in the world, the societal or family model“, Specifies Mah Simpara. The authorization not to fast may be due to health reasons: physical condition is sometimes weakened by menstruation and linked pain (endometriosis, sopk etc).”It is then in a way for them to be able to rest During this more complicated physical period and not increase fatigue “. But it can also be due to the idea that the rules are unclean. In their article on the subject, the members of Lallab point to this taboo still too present within religion but also of society and denounce: “”Because of these ideas, many people are menstruated who are sidelined during Ramadan. “ Indeed, Mah Simpara deplores the fact that many Muslim women “must justify themselves, specify that they have their rules which can be problematic in certain families or communities when it is commonly accepted not to fast when a person is sick or has a medical contraindicatione “. She also says that”Some menstruated people deprive themselves of lunch“Or pretend to pray or normally practice Ramadan”in order not to be obliged to answer questions, to expose their intimacy“” or to face a judgment. Of course, this is not systematic and the problem does not arise within many families.
What are the risks if you fast during your period?
In terms of health, you should know that during the rules, “The body spends more energy“And menstruated women can be”more at risk of making an episode of hypoglycemia and suffering from dehydration “assures Léa Lang, nutritionist. In addition, during periods, the body needs a Iron intake to compensate for the loss of this nutrient caused by bleeding, mainly in women who have abundant rules. There may be a greater risk of anemia. In general, “It is prescribed for Muslims and Muslims not to fast if there is a risk to their health“, Says the vice-president of Lallab. But she admits that the acceptance of this instruction is”variable from one woman to another. Some women feel very well during their period, do not suffer from any harm, and regret not being able to continue to live the dynamics of Ramadan “.
Thank you to Mah Simpara, vice-president of Lallab, feminist and anti-racist association and Léa Lang, nutritionist.