Thanks to the drop in rates for 18 months, households see their real estate borrowing capacity grow by tens of thousands of euros.
© Capital
– The revival of household borrowing capacity is all the higher since it is necessary to distinguish the rate scales sent by banks to the rates brokers really negotiated by the latter for borrowers.
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In this month of March 2025, Camille and Pierre left their bank with a smile. She has just given this couple of merchants the mortgage That she had refused them 18 months earlier, when the rates exceeded 4%, against the backdrop of high inflation. A level which required that Camille and Pierre earn at least 3,760 euros net per month so that the monthly payment of their loan of 200,000 euros, over 20 years, represents no more than 35% of their income. This, under the rules imposed on banks by the High Council for Financial Stability. However, the young couple earns 3,300 euros net per month.
Income that allows him today to win this famous loan of 200,000 euros, the drop of 1.15 rates since November 2023 Requiring to win “only” 3,250 euros net per month, calculates Bestaux. “Thanks to the drop in credit rates, but also real estate prices, which dropped from 10 to 15% in 18 months, 80% of financing requests Compromise of sale signed who arrive with us are below 35%, one third more than in November 2023 ”rejoices Maël Bernier, director of the broker’s communication, during a press conference this Tuesday, March 4.
Real estate credit: rates drop (slightly) in March, good news for buyers
20,000 to 40,000 euros in borrowing capacity returned to 18 months
The revival of household borrowing capacity is all the higher since it is necessary to distinguish the rate scales sent by banks to the rates brokers really negotiated by the latter for borrowers. At the beginning of March, the rate scales are generally down 0.15 points, to 3.30% over 20 years, notes Maël Bernier. But, “By playing competition between banks, who hope to carry out a large part of their annual credit production in the first half, we can negotiate 20 cents (0.20 point) “ Compared to this fork, assures the best-actible spokesperson.
Result, a household earning 4,000 euros net per month has returned to around 20,000 euros in borrowing capacity between November 2023 and March 2025. With the rate of 4.45% in force 18 months ago, it could only borrow only 213,000 euros, against 282,000 euros in January 2022, when the rates were around 1%, or 70,000 euros less. With a rate with 3.30% today, this cleaning can borrow 234,000 euros. A household winning 7,000 euros net per month has found nearly 40,000 euros in loan capacity since November 2023, out of the more than 100,000 euros lost since January 2022, before the rapid rates.
Towards stability in mortgage rates
If Camille and Pierre had waited for a few additional months to request a mortgage, would they have obtained an even lower rate? Nothing is less certain, according to Maël Bernier, who wants to be “”extremely cautious»» On the evolution of mortgage rates in the coming months. This due to the borrowing rate at 10 years from France, required by international investors to lend to the country, which “Stagnous between 3 and 3.5% for six months”at 3.15% today, she explains. Mortgage rates “Following most often the OAT (assimilable bonds of the Treasury) over 10 years, there cannot be a drastic drop in credit rates. If, with an OAT at 3%, the banks lent real estate buyers to 2%, they would lose money ”, warns the Bestaux Communication Director.
“Currently, only very good files can claim rates less than 3%, such as a household which would borrow 400,000 euros with a contribution of 200,000 euros”she insists. Maël Bernier therefore believes that Real estate credit rates should remain at their current level in the coming months. But “There should be no rise”she reassures.
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