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The draft decree specifying the maximum part of the PTZ in real estate purchase was adopted by the National Housing Council on March 13, of concordant sources. These daily newspapers are a little less advantageous for new houses only for apartments.
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– The draft decree submitted to the National Housing Council on March 13 provides specific zero -zero -rate lending daily for individual houses.
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About a fortnight from thezero -rate loan widening to new individual houses and the entire territory, which will come into force on April 1, the draft decree specifying certain methods of Ptz 2025 was examined this Thursday, March 13 by the National Housing Council (CNH), which adopted it, of concordant sources. This text, “Relating to loans who do not have an interest granted to finance the first-time access to property”that Capital was able to consult, set up Specific daily newspapers for housesdifferent from those of apartments. For the record, the quota represents the maximum share of the PTZ in your real estate purchase and it is determined according to your income.
According to article 2 of the draft decree, if you belong to tranche 1, that of the most modest income, PTZ can finance up to 30% of your purchase from a single house. A proportion reduced to 20% for income slices 2 and 3, and to 10% for the income section 4. These daily life, a little less advantageous than those of apartments, aim at “Reconcile support for accession (ownership) and land sobriety”as part of the fight against the artificialization of the soil, explains the presentation report annexed to the draft decree.
Real estate: these new methods will divide by two the price of housing
Two unknown purchasing methods now eligible for PTZ
The apartments, them, “Keep existing daily liferespectively of 50%, 40%, 40% and 20% for (income) sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 ”indicates this presentation report. In 2024, in zone A, where the housing supply is much lower than the demand, the PTZ could thus finance 50% of your real estate purchase if your reference tax income was less than or equal to 25,000 euros per year. If it was less than or equal to 49,000 euros annually, the PTZ could only finance 20% of your acquisition. In zone B1, a little less “tense”, the income ceiling was 21,500 euros. In areas B2 and C, where the purchase of new housing becomes eligible for PTZ this year, the ceilings were 18,000 and 15,000 euros, respectively.
The draft decree also makes Two unknown real estate purchase methods eligible for PTZlike the Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, said it on Tuesday, March 11. Namely The co-acquisition and the dismemberment. Article 1 of the draft decree “Clarifies the PTZ eligibility for highlights in emphyteutic lease (lease of 18 to 99 years), specifying that they must include a clause allowing the borrower to acquire the (full) home ownership” Ultimately. A measure that “Aims to encourage innovative solutions for home ownership”. Finally, article 4 specifies that an impact study “Demonstrates that the conditions applicable to PTZs issued in 2025 make it possible to respect the annual expenditure (public) ceiling fixed by law at 2.1 billion euros”. The PTZ is indeed a loan helped by the State. The Ministry of Housing had not responded to Capital At a time when we are publishing these lines.
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