Once the sales compromise has been signed, a 10-day withdrawal period is not too much to peel the minutes of the last general condominium meetings. By summarizing them, artificial intelligence can save you precious time.
Capital video: Can AI avoid unpleasant surprises during a real estate purchase?
© Capital/Freepik
– The AI can identify in an AG PV that there is an in progress procedure in the condominium, for example against the promoter who built the building, or that a common part is annexed by error to the accommodation.
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“Tell me what you want to buy, I find it for you for free in 30 seconds!” This is the promise of the site ofreal estate listings Lesclefsdechezmoi, which offers buyers its service “Lia, the only artificial intelligence (IA) at the service of (their) real estate purchase”. House or apartment, budget, city, neighborhood, number of rooms, American kitchen, possible work or unacceptable … Once you have informed all of these criteria, the famous “lia” peeks the descriptions of ads on different sites and alerts you whenever one of them corresponds to your search.
“Is it still worth visiting goods?” The recommendations made by AI are so precise… ”wonders Christelle, in the program Le Grand Rendez-vous de l’Emalmboards (Capital/Radio Immo). Dan Adler’s response, founder and CEO of the Ferla real estate agencies, in Paris, is not long in coming: “AI is a very efficient tool to allow buyers to better target their researchto project itself more easily in a property but it will not replace the warm atmosphere of an apartment, the ray of sunshine at the end of the afternoon ” which triggers a crush and, therefore, a purchase.
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AI, great to estimate real estate
The real estate agent is intended to prove the virtual visits, the only possible during the first confinements imposed by the health crisis, which did not “Never allowed to make a sale”. For Dan Adler, the purchase of housing of several hundred thousand euros, on the basis of sublime visuals, 3D videos and simulations provided by AI, “It is a fantasy»». And to insist: “Even in prestigious real estate, there is only in films that we see people buying goods at 5 or 6 million euros without visiting them!”.
AI, he nevertheless judges it “Génial” To help sellers to realize “More reliable estimates»» the value of their property and to allow buyers to “Inquire faster” On the apartment they plan to acquire and the condominium in which it is. Once the compromise of sale has been signed, a withdrawal period of 10 days is indeed not too much to peel the minutes (PV) of the last three general meetings (AG) of co-ownership. By summarizing the noun Moëlle, AI can save you precious time.
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AI identifies a problem but does not solve it
On the other hand, if the AI can identify in an AG PV that there is a procedure in progress in the condominiumsfor example against the promoter who built the building, or that a common part is annexed by mistake to the accommodation, “She is not going to dispel the concern that it gives rise to the buyer. The real estate agent is able to do so, putting around a seller, trustee and notary table and buyer, to reassure the latter ”underlines Dan Adler.
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