The major real estate meeting (Capital/Radio Immo) devotes its March program to the “Real estate spring”, finally back after more than two years of crisis. Provided that the sellers do not take the opportunity to increase their prices.
Capital video: The “Real estate spring” finally returned in 2025, after more than 2 years of crisis!
© Capital
– The major real estate meeting is broadcast from March 28 at 6 p.m.
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After two and a half years of a crisis caused by the outbreak of credit rates, the “Real estate spring», Will the traditional shopping season finally return in 2025? “Yes, and it’s a big” yes “”smiles Xavier Belvaux, Managing Director of the French subsidiary of the Belgian group We Invest, specializing in real estate sales and rental, guest of Large real estate meeting (Capital/Radio Immo) of Friday March 28. As proof, the leap of 20% to 30% of the number of sales advertisements on specialized seloger, well’ici or even leboncoin portals, since the start of the year. “An excellent indicator”, According to him because it means that sellers regain confidence in their ability to find buyers, thanks to the drop in credit rates and real estate prices. Xavier Belvaux therefore does not exclude that the year 2025 ended by 900,000 transactions in old housingagainst less than 800,000 in 2024 and… 1.2 million in 2021.
Provided for “Do not put up prices too fast”he warns, already observing increases in certain regions, as in Montpellier, likely to block the market again. Indeed, even if mortgage rates have dropped by approximately one point in the space of one year, thus improving the solvency of buyers, they remain greater than 3%. “We will have to get used to this level“Consider the boss of We Invest France, who finds it difficult to see the rates lower, insofar as they are partly determined by the borrowing rate at 10 years from France, which is 3.5%. This is why he describes as “Very positive” zero -rate loan expanding to new individual houses and the entire territory, from April 1. A boost “shy” Primo-receivers on the real estate market.
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Disappearance of rental investors
Rental investors, on the other hand, “We don’t see them anymore”regrets the manager, invoking the cessation of tax incentive Pinelthe abolition of one of the tax niches of non -professional furnished rental and the gradual prohibition of rental of Thermal TOCKS. “Having the impression that the State considers them as rentiers, they turn away from physical real estate to invest in the Pierre-Papier, through SCPIs (Civil Companies of Real Estate Placement), or even in cryptocurrencies“, He analyzes.
Xavier Belvaux therefore feeds a lot of hope in the parliamentary mission recently launched by the government to work on the creation of a Private lessor tax statusto integrate into the finance law for 2026. “This is very good news”, he judges, imagining for example a tax incentive in return for a good energy note of the property and a capped rent.
25% cheaper rents for the middle classes: the unprecedented initiative of two Ile -de -France cities
Your “Your Questions, our answers” section
As every month, experts – notaries, lawyers, real estate agents – of your “your questions, our answers” section answer your questions. This month, Elodie Frémont, notarylooks at the case of an individual who is thinking of buying a thermal coland noted E on the diagnosis of energy performance (DPE) and wonders what risk this investment represents. Emmanuelle Lefèvre, lawyeranswers a co -owner who wonders if it is normal for the trustee to ask him to advance money to cover the arrears of charges of other co -owners. Finally, Jean-Luc Brulard, real estate agentdraws up the list of risks incurred by a seller who would accept that the buyer leads part of his property in the accommodation before the signing of the act of authentic purchase.
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