Since January 1, 2025, the energy performance diagnostics (DPE) of housing carried out between January 1, 2018 and July 31, 2021 are no longer valid. If you are concerned, you must carry out a new DPE to be able to sell or rent your property.
© Jean-Paul Comparin/Adobe Stock
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Be careful if you plan to rent or sell your property. Don’t forget to check the date on which the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) of your home was carried out. Indeed, from January 1, 2025, DPEs made between January 1, 2018 and July 31, 2021 will no longer be valid. The owners concerned will therefore be obliged to carry out a new DPE in order to have authorization to put their property up for sale or rental in 2025. We explain why.
As a reminder, the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) was implemented in 2006. It is a tool which estimates the theoretical energy consumption of a home. Concretely, state-certified diagnosticians are responsible for assigning a label, which varies from A for the most efficient housing to G for the worst thermal strainers. Sometimes criticized for unreliabilitythe DPE must nevertheless be produced as part of a real estate sale. The energy class of the property for sale must even appear on the real estate advertisement.
In theory, a DPE is valid for a period of 10 years. But its calculation method has been profoundly modified since July 2021. Before this date, the calculation of the DPE could be carried out using the home’s energy bills from the last three years. But since 2021, diagnosticians must use the so-called Conventional Housing Consumption Calculation (3CL) method to assess the energy performance of a property. The 3CL method is in fact more reliable since it relies on the quality of insulation of the hearth of the home, rather than the hearth? and uses standardized and objective criteria to measure the energy performance of housing.
A change in regulations
As a result of this change in calculation method, the government has decided to reduce the validity period of DPEs carried out with the old calculation method. The objective being that all homes have a reliable DPE, carried out using the 3CL method. Thus, DPEs made between January 1, 2018 and July 31, 2021 will no longer be valid in 2025.
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A change in regulations which could have serious consequences for certain owners. Indeed, if you carry out a new DPE in the coming weeks, the rating assigned to your home by the diagnostician may differ considerably from that assigned before 2021. And this, even if you have not undertaken any energy renovation work since the new calculation method integrates technical parameters that were not previously taken into account.
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In recent years, the energy class of a home has become an element particularly scrutinized by buyers. It must be said that a bad DPE can significantly reduce the price of housing, particularly due to the progressive exclusion of thermal sieves from the rental market. According to the current timetable, set by the climate and resilience law, the rental of housing classified G (the most energy-intensive) will be prohibited in France from January 1, 2025. Properties classified F and E will be excluded from the rental market in 2028 and 2034, respectively. But the owners of thermal strainers could finally have a reprieve since Prime Minister Michel Barnier declared on October 1 during his general policy speech that the timetable for the energy performance diagnosis of housing will be “adapted”. Without giving further details.
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