Basic pensions are, this year, updated by 2.2%. An increase applied to the January 2025 pension, paid on Friday, February 7, to the former employees of the private sector. Here is how much you will win, according to your income.
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After many twists and turns, the basic pensions of former private employees and civil servants were well increased in 2025. 2.2% increase is thus applied to their pension, in accordance with the rule inscribed in the Social Security Code. A formula which takes into account the annual evolution of prices excluding tobacco over the period November 2023-October 2024 compared to the period November 2022-October 2023. Hence the revaluation visible on the payments made by the pension funds under January pensions.
Unlike complementary regimes, such as Agirc-Arrco, which operate the payment of pensions at the beginning of the monthbasic pensions are paid in the long term, that is to say at the end of the month, or even at the beginning of the following month. So, civil servants received their January pension revalued on January 30, and the ex-private employees affiliated with the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV), as well as those in the agricultural sector attached to the Mutualité Sociales Agricole (MSA), must wait until Friday, February 7 To receive their January retirement.
Retirement payment: Payment calendar 2025
An increase of 21.5 euros for a retirement of 1,400 euros net
But how much will your retirement increase on this date? It all obviously depends on amount of your pension. If, as an ex-employee of the private sector, it was located at 1,400 euros net in 2024, including 980 euros of basic retirement, your “gain” visible on the payment made on February 7 reached 21.56 euros. If your pension is higher, for example of 2,800 euros net, formed half of your basic retirement -or 1,400 euros (+1,400 euros in agirc -arco pension) -you will receive 30.8 euros more title of January. If your retirement peaks at 4,000 euros, including 1,440 euros of basic retirement, your revaluation will be 31.68 euros per month in 2025.
Finally, note that the complementary retirement of former private employees, Agirc-Arrco, has already been upgraded by 1.6% As of November 1, 2024. A decision which ended last fall by an increase of 6.72 euros per month of the pension of an ex-employee with a total retirement (basic and additional) of 1,400 euros net, 22.40 euros with an overall pension of 2,800 euros or 40.96 euros with net income of 4,000 euros.
How much will your retirement increase thanks to the revaluation of Agirc-Arrco?
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