The retirement payment date varies depending on the pension funds of the basic plan (Cnav, Carsat, MSA, CNRACL, etc.). Former employees, civil servants or self-employed people do not receive payment of their retirement pension on the same day. When and by whom are pensions paid to retirees? What is the 2025 pension payment schedule? What to do in case of delay? Update on the payment terms and conditions for basic and supplementary pensions in France.
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– Retirement payment: dates to remember
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Who pays retirement pensions?
Retirement pensions are paid by the various funds to which an individual has contributed during their professional career.
Carsat, CGSS, CSS, the regional funds of Cnav
Retirement Insurance manages the retirement of the general scheme of the Social security. This is the basic pension for employees in the private sector, most self-employed workers, civil service contract workers and artist-authors. The National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav) ensures the payment of the basic pension through its regional funds (Carsat, CGSS, CSS).
The MSA for the retirement of agricultural scheme employees
The Mutualité Sociale agricole (MSA) pays basic and supplementary pensions for farmers and employees of the agricultural scheme.
AGIRC-ARRCO, CNAVPL, Ircec… for the payment of supplementary pension
Employees affiliated to the general Social Security system also benefit from a supplementary pension. For employees in industry, commerce and its services, this is Agirc-Arrco. Pensions are paid by one of its twelve supplementary pension funds: Malakoff Humanis, AG2R la Mondiale, Audiens, CGRR, etc.
Depending on the profession, the supplementary pension fund varies. For example, artist-authors are affiliated with Ircec, while liberal professions are affiliated with one of the 10 professional sections of the CNAVPL.
To note : Info Retraite provides taxpayers with a simulator to find out about their retirement plan. All you need to do is indicate your birth name and Social Security number.
When and how to apply for retirement online?
When is the basic and supplementary pension paid in France?
In France, basic pensions for private sector employees are paid in arrears on the 9th of each month. Thus, the pension acquired for the month of January is paid in February. The transfer appears in the bank account between the 8th and 10th of the month. The account must be personal and opened in the name of the retiree. For other assets, the payment date depends on the retirement fund to which they contribute.
The supplement for private sector employees, AGIRC-ARRCO, is paid in advance and at the beginning of the month (due and not due).
Why are pensions paid on the 9th of the month?
Since 1986 and the implementation of the monthly payment of pensions previously paid quarterly, it was decided that the payment of pensions would be made from the 9th of the month. This is to spread out payments and avoid congestion detrimental to transfers. If the 9th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the payment is shifted to the first working day preceding.
What are the retirement pension payment dates in 2025?
2025 pension payment schedules
The pension payment date varies depending on the pension fund. Here are the 2025 payment schedules for the main retirement plans.
General Social Security and MSA system
Cnav and MSA will transfer pensions on the following dates:
Carsat Alsace-Moselle
Retirees who depend on Carsat Alsace-Moselle receive their pension on the 1st day of the month of the monthly payment concerned (or on the first working day following, if it is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) . Here are the payment dates for 2025:
- January: January 2
- February: February 3
- March: March 3
- April: April 1
- May: May 2
- June: June 2
- July: July 1
- August: August 1
- September: September 1
- October: October 1
- November: November 3
- December: December 1
Liberal doctors’ scheme (autonomous pension fund for doctors in France – CARMF)
Here are the retirement payment dates for private doctors in 2025:
Retirement of non-permanent civil service agents
When is the pension for lawyers and pharmacists paid this month?
Date of payment of retirement pensions by the Caisse nationale des barreaux français (CNBF)
The National Fund for French Bars pays the basic pension and the supplementary pension for lawyers, self-employed or salaried. Retirement pensions are paid quarterly. This means that payments are made at the end of each calendar quarter, covering the previous three months. However, when the quarterly pension amount exceeds 100 euros, monthly installments are paid at the end of the month.
Date of transfer of pensions by the Pharmacists’ Old Age Insurance Fund (CAVP)
Pharmacists’ retirement pensions are paid monthly in arrears. Here are the 2025 dates:
- January 27,
- February 27,
- March 27,
- April 28,
- on May 27,
- June 27,
- July 28,
- on August 27,
- September 29,
- on October 27,
- on November 27,
- on December 29.
CIPAV and CAVAMAC payment schedule 2025
CIPAV (Inter-professional pension and old-age insurance fund)
The CIPAV manages the payment of the basic and supplementary pension for most liberal professions, for example: architect, consulting engineer, ski instructor, osteopath, psychologist, expert before the courts, tour guide, etc. In 2025, the CIPAV transfers will be made on the dates listed in the following table.
CAVAMAC (Pension plan for general insurance agents)
CAVAMAC manages three schemes dedicated to the social protection of general insurance agents: their basic pension, their supplementary pension and their disability-death provision. In 2025, pension payments will take place on the following dates:
Basic pension for liberal professions
Civil servant pension payment schedule (SRE, CNRACL and RAFP)
The timetable for the payment of civil servants’ pensions is different depending on whether they come under the SRE (state civil servants) or the CNRACL (territorial and hospital civil servants). For the CNRACL, the transfer takes place three working days before the 1st of the following month (public holidays and weekends being excluded). The RAFP additional pension is paid at the same time as the main pension.
When will the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension be paid this month?
One payment, monthly, quarterly or annually
The supplementary pension is paid at the beginning of the month. People who hold a bank account domiciled outside Europe or in a European country not affected by the monthly payment receive the Agirc-Arrco payment every quarter. However, it is possible to request monthly payment.
Finally, retirees who receive a small pension (amount equal to or greater than an amount equivalent to 100 Agirc-Arrco points but less than an amount equivalent to 200 Agirc-Arrco points) can receive an annual payment.
2025 supplementary pension calendar
How to consult my payments Agirc-arrco ?
The retiree can consult the payments made by his pension fund via the Retirement Insurance website. All they need to do is log in to their personal account, then go to the “view my last three payments” service. He will also be able to find his social security contributions and the amount of income tax deducted at source.
What to do if your pension payment is late?
Contact the “benefit payment” service
The scheduled date has passed and the amount of your pension has not been credited to your account. After having verified with your bank that the payment was not being credited, you should immediately contact the “benefit payment” service of your pension fund.
This will verify that the bank details in its possession are indeed the correct ones and that the payment was not made to an account with the wrong number. If non-payment results from an anomaly or a computer or administrative problem, the error should be quickly corrected.
Contact the social assistance service of your pension fund
However, if recovery were to take longer, it might be useful to check with the fund’s social assistance service if an advance or assistance can be released to you quickly.
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