Like every year, basic pensions are increased in January 2025. But you will only really benefit from this increase in line with inflation, i.e. 2.2%, in February.
© Illustration Capital
– General system pensions are paid in arrears, at the beginning of the following month.
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Relief for all retirees. Their basic pension will indeed increase by 2.2% in 2025and not just 0.8% as initially wanted by the former Prime Minister, Michel Barnier. His government censored, and the Social Security budget rejected, the under-indexation of pensions is now ancient history. Consequence: for a former private sector worker who receives a total pension of 1,400 euros net per month, including 980 euros of basic pension and 420 euros of supplementary pension, the increase will be 21.6 euros per month. Better yet, with the same total pension, a former civil servant – whose total pension of 1,400 euros is made up of 1,372 euros of his basic pension – will see his income increase by 30.2 euros each month. Cost of the operation for the State : 6.5 billion euros. A windfall distributed among some 17 million retirees.
Civil servants paid a few days earlier
But when, precisely, will you benefit from this revaluation? Not right away, unfortunately. Because if the supplementary pension for ex-private employees, the Agirc-Arrco, is well paid at the start of the month, the situation is different for the basic pension. The latter is in fact paid in arrears, that is to say after the period for which it is due. More precisely, “we pay your pension to your bank on the 9th of each month. If the 9th is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we pay it on the 1st working day preceding or following”indicates the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav), which notably manages the retirement of ex-employees, on its website. As February 9 falls on a Sunday, your fund will pay your pension on Friday February 7. Either after the payment of your Agirc-Arrco pension of February, carried out on Monday February 3.
For the former civil servantsthe pension is paid slightly earlier. Regardless of their basic pension fund (SRE or CNRACL), their pension will be paid to them on Thursday January 30. Or the same day as the payment of the additional civil service pension (RAFP), the supplementary pension fund for ex-civil servants.
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