Rovagnati, leader among the Italian cured meat production companies and recognized worldwide, continues his commitment to the world of school and announces the launch of the third edition of Rovagnati is finethe educational project aimed at students and teachers of primary and secondary schools of grade, In collaboration with D&F, communication agency and accredited training body to the Ministry of Education and merit.
This year, Is fine It takes a further step forward, expanding their approach and inviting students to reflect on the importance of a well -being that goes beyond the individual, to connect people, communities and the environment.
The initiative, in fact, has as its purpose sensitize the youngest on the fact that personal well -being is closely linked to the collective one.
The project represents a concrete expression of Rovagnati’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, as sanctioned in the manifesto Rovagnati responsible qualities, Through actions aimed at pro-museum the health and psychophysical well-being of students and teachers. The initiative consists of a contest that directly involves students: each participating class will have the opportunity to share “3 ideas” for good, healthy and right well -being, By sending photos of your “manifesto is well” or photographic testimonies of the activities carried out in the classroom. The best contributions will be selected to give life to the manifesto is well, which will be distributed to participating schools.
Thanks to this contest, moreover, the “manifest quality responsible quality Rovagnati” will be enriched with a new point, the twelfth, testifying to the company’s commitment in supporting the school, people and communities.
The 10 winning schools, of which you are selected on the basis of the evaluation of the work by a quality jury and four extracted by time, will receive A 500 € voucher for the purchase of didactic material, while teachers will be able to participate in the action of 3 portable PCs.
Finally, in collaboration with a team of experts, Rovagnati has developed a series of video lessons, enriched by the contribution of six talent with the aim of guiding pupils in the translation of new awareness into concrete actions.
For primary school, the psychologist will speak Irene Sanguineti To explain how each of us is a rainbow of diversity already starting from their own origins, and the dietician Elena April which will reveal the super power of good choices at the table.
In secondary schools, however, the Psychothetera-Pieuta Lara Pelagotti will speak of sharing, emotions and peer support, while the nutritionist Sara Vitiello He will tell how to make aware choices for his own well -being.
For all classes, the personal trainer Andrea Perico He will speak of posture as a friend of well-being (primary) and energy and movement (sea-condaries); Finally, the scientific popularizer Marco Martinelli will face the theme of the fight against food waste.
Video lessons, which are based on the “Learning by doing” method, invite the boys to take themselves through themselves through practical experiences involving all the dimensions of well-being.
“This third edition,” he commented Gabriele Rusconi, Managing Director and Board Member of Rovagnati, “represents a project of great value, even more significant in the light of the new objectives we set ourselves. In fact, it continues to promote a culture of well -being that puts the person in the center, enriching this year of new perspectives that embrace not only healthy nutrition and the relationship with others, but also a deeper commitment to the community e the environment. For us, moreover, it also represents a unique opportunity for dialogue with the new ge-blacks, to which we carefully look at the construction of a sustainable future, which allows us to give our contribution in education on sustainability issues e conscious nutrition. Furthermore, through this value of value, we aim to promote the importance of feeling well in a healthy and conscious way “.
The 2024 edition of Stammi Bene recorded considerable success, involving beyond 45,000 students of primary and secondary schools of grade, 2,500 classes and 687 teachers who participated with enthusiasm. These results testify to the interest and commitment of educational institutions, elements that prompted to replicate the initiative for 2025.