INSEE unveils the average gross salary of private employees. Behind this average, large differences are emerging, in particular according to the status of the worker.
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Your pay slip Is it one of the highest? INSEE answers this question in its latest survey published this Wednesday, March 12. Based on the wages of 2022, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies reveals that a private employee (excluding apprentices) touched on average 20.3 euros gross hour. But this data, drawn upwards by the highest remuneration, does not necessarily reflect the reality of the majority of workers … To better understand where you are, look at the median salary, which cuts the sample in half: half is more, the other less. Verdict: “One in two employees receives a gross hourly wage at most 16.4 euros”either 2,487.39 Gross euros per month (16.4 euros x 151.67 hours). For comparison, the average gross hourly minimum wage was 10.8 euros in 2022.
Unsurprisingly, the salary varies strongly depending on the level of study. On this point the INSEE is formal: the higher the diploma, the more remuneration is also. Thus, holders of a bac+5 (or more) receive on average 31.4 euros an hour, almost twice as much (+93%) that employees holding a simple bac (16.3 euros). And for those who only won the college certificate, the gap is even more striking: A very graduate employee earns 2.2 times more (+115%) that those who stopped in college, whose remuneration stagnates around 14.6 euros per hour.
“”The average gross hourly wages varies from single to double between executives and employees ”
The remuneration differences are not only played on the diploma: the professional status Also makes all the difference. Logically, executives largely benefit from the best wages, since they earn an average of 33.5 euros gross per day. So, “In 2022, the average gross hourly wage varies from single to double between executives and employees”the latter being paid 14.6 euros gross. And even when we take into account all the other criteria that can influence remuneration – such as age, seniority, the sector or even location -, the salary gap remains abyssal. With identical characteristics, the frames still gain 63% more than employees.
THE Intermediate professions (Between employees and workers on the one hand and executives on the other), they display an hourly wage of 19.4 euros, well above employees, but with a clearly reduced difference when compared with similar profiles. As of workersthey close with 14.3 euros gross an hour, a level slightly lower than that of employees.
Information and communication, the sector that pays best
This link between level of study and remuneration is also found when you zoom in on Activity sectors. These are areas that require a high level of qualification (and therefore of responsibilities) which display the best salaries. At the top of the ranking: information and communication, where the average hourly wage increases to 28.9 euros gross. We could have bet that Finance and insurance would win first place, but no! With an average gross hourly salary of 28.7 euros (or 4,352 euros gross per month), the sector occupies the second position.
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At the other end of the scale, the professions requiring few diplomas offer significantly lower wages. This is particularly the case with administrative serviceswhere gross hourly remuneration caps on average at 15.2 euros. But the less well paid workers are those of accommodation and catering, with an hourly wage of 14.3 euros gross.
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