He arrives for the first time in Cagliari on Saturday 1 March at 18.30 in the Sala Benedict XVI of the Archbishop’s Seminary in via Mons. Cogoni, Ringa Anna Monia Alfieri, religious of the Marcelline, graduated in Economics, Law and Magisterium of Theology, who, in a dialogue with the Archbishop of Cagliari Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi, secretary of the CEI, will expose his thesis contained in the Sagge “Educational pluralism, a choice still possible” published last year by “Scholé Editore”, with the preface by Dario Antiseri.
An interesting debate on the school system and the training of young people wanted by Isolarte and moderated by the president of the Order of Journalists of Sardinia, Francesco Birocchi. The state public school – say Charles Glenn and Ashley Rogers Berner – forcing people with different values and needs to finance a single system of state schools, inevitably produces conflicts. But is it just like that? Premising that the compulsory schooling and public school for all, guaranteed by the State, in fact allowed the unity of Italy to be completed and that it would open to all Italians, after the war, access to training, today many are the ones to ask questions about the educational system and the role of the school in the social and intellectual growth of the younger generations.
The public school, state and equal, in fact guarantees an integrated and synergistic system capable of fully responding to the needs of our country. Berner, in supporting educational pluralism and not that of promoting religious -based schools in itself, but of promoting and encouraging a wide variety of educational options for families, states that non -state public schools are equally capable of improving the results of poor and minority students as the state public schools, and that the graduates of non -state public schools have equal or stronger levels, civil, tolerance for others and commitment to public service.
According to Sister Anna Monia Alfieri “our democracy is missing a fundamental aspect, paradoxically the element that underlies everything, that is, the freedom of education freedom. The role of the state is only that of Guarantor of a right, of facilitator of it. There are all the conditions for this to happen: it is only necessary to have the courage of the idea and the desire to update it. In our society increasingly characterized by different positions and points of view, education at thought, to critical sense, freedom are vital aspects. And it is right that every parent is placed in the conditions that allow him to exercise a right that is absolutely proper, that is, the education of children “. A manifest book for freedom and educational pluralism, destined to make people discuss for the rigor of analysis. The author, well known to the general public for her frequent participations in some important in -depth and current television programs, is an expert in the problems of the organization of training systems and is part of the working group on “non -state education” of the Ministry of Education and merit.
Already awarded with the Ambrogino d’Oro in Milan, he is a knight of the Republic for his commitment to educational freedom. He was born in Nardò, in the province of Lecce, born in 1975. As a young man he dreams of being a magistrate and going to Sicily to continue the work of Falcone and Borsellino. Strongly affected by the killing of Renata Forte, teacher and councilor of the Municipality of Nardò, decides to include the school and the importance of education in its “mission”. He takes the perpetual votes in 2001 in the Congregation of the Sisters of Santa Marcellina. Over time he has collected the weight of roles of responsibility in Italian Catholic education. He lives in Milan, where he graduated in Law at the Catholic University and subsequently in economics. He also obtained the superior diploma of religious sciences and, to date, is legal representative of the Institute of Culture and Languages Marcelline.
His name made himself known thanks to the battles for the right to education. Sister Anna Monia Alfieri is an Italian institutions and religious and member of the National Council of School of the CEI and is one of the most important personalities who fight for the right to education: “I dream of a school that gives children the courage of knowledge”. Competence and knowledge that Sister Anna Monia have allowed a judgment on free and authoritative reality. It is recognized by public opinion and by the same political class, an undisputed ability to speak beyond any political deployment: for years, in fact, he has collaborated with ministers (in particular at MIUR) of various political origins: consequently, in November 2020 he supported the choice of a national unity government as the only possibility for Italy to get out of the post Covid crisis. And the facts seem to give it reason.
Sister Anna Monia has a fight, now twenty years of struggle, in favor of the freedom of educational choice of parents, according to what is dictated by art. 30 of the Constitution, of the right to learn of students, of the freedom of teaching by overcoming any economic discrimination. The guarantee of these rights passes from equal schools, which she considers to be aimed at educational freedom and for school in her more general sense. Anna Monia Alfieri is among the most accredited items on the problems of the organization of training systems, collaborates with the Division of Non Profit of Altis (Alta School Impresa e Società) of the University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, for the organization of the Higher Education courses in management and high school management for religious institutes and for teaching in them. He is contact person for the union of major superiors in Italy for the school sector. In 2020, as part of the issue of the decrees of contrast to Covid, it represented Usmi and CISM (higher higher than religious congregations) in the hearing to the Budget Commission of the Chamber, regarding the severity of the situation for equal institutions and all, equal and state public schools. Since 2020 Senior Fellow of the Bruno Leoni Institute. From 2024 Member of the CSPI. Among his publications “go to school and go out learned. Educational freedom lessons “(Il Timone, 2023),” Letter to politicians on freedom of school “(with Dario Antiseri, Rubbettino, 2018)” The right to learn. New investment lines for an integrated system “(Giappichelli, 2015),” The good public school for all. State and equal “(Laterza 2011).