Of concordant sources, M6 and the management of Stéphane Plaza Immobilier addressed agencies after the conviction of the TV host. An intervention that leaves a bitter taste to several of them.
© Capital/Abacapress
– Some franchisees awaited a change of name of the brand.
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After the convictionTuesday February 18, from Stéphane Plaza to 12 months suspended imprisonmentfor recurring violence on an old companion, the franchisees of the Stéphane Plaza Immobilier (SPI) network placed hope in the speech that a representative of the audiovisual group M6, a 51%brand shareholder, was to pronounce before them, on February 19, to exhibit its strategy . “There are rumors that M6 would offer a name change of the brand ”, In order to break with the image of the TV host, co -founder and shareholder at 25.5% of the network, entrusted to Capital An SPI agency director on February 14.
“A representative of M6 spoke and said his franchise support. But he did not speak to change the name of the brand, hence the astonishment of certain franchisees “tells one of them. He admits all the more surprised by announcing on February 18 the deprogramming of the programs in which the star host appeared, “M6 was dissociated of the person of Stéphane Plaza ”. “How can the group in these conditions provide support to a network which bears the name of Stéphane Plaza?”wonders this franchisee.
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“The visibility of Mr. Stéphane Plaza, who once made the strength of the network, has become its greatest weakness»»deciphered Sarah Laassir last Friday, lawyer for SPI franchisees who seek to leave the network. “A client said to me recently: I give you the mandate of sale of my house but You don’t put the Stéphane Plaza Immobilier panel above. If I worked for another brand, I would make more turnover ”tells one of them.
During this same speech of February 19, the franchise Stéphane Plaza Immobilier announced to agency managers that she was going to undertake “”A two -month tour of France To meet them, in order to discuss all these points and offer solutions to our issues in April, which is excruciatingly long for us. It should have taken place long before! ”strangles a franchisee. Especially in full real estate crisis.
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Need strong decisions
In a message broadcast on the internal social network of Stéphane Plaza Immobilier, another franchisee written to Gilles Charron, president of Stéphane Plaza France, the structure that heads SPI, as well as to “Mr. Group administrator M6” and Stéphane Plaza, to tell them about its “Deep dismay after (their) intervention this morning “that he compares to “A simple commercial meeting” instead of “Trenched decisions we need”. Began “Know if we have to continue to show Stéphane’s head on our communications and bear a name now heavy with meaning”.
A colleague, also “Favorable to a name change”echoes him: “We needimmediate actions, Not to lose two months yet! Without visibility, I am losing one of my best negotiators… ”. “What disappointment, no plan A or B, no communication actions to support agencies and not do amalgamation with the privacy of Stéphane Plaza ! “adds another franchisee on the same social network. “A crisis meeting that clearly hits off when I thought that plan B would be engaged with strong decisions …”sighs another. Stressing that he “The way of the survival of our companies “he concludes that “It is up to us to make the necessary decisions”. Like leaving the SPI network for competition, a project already materialized for certain franchisees. Neither the Directorate of SPI nor M6 had responded to the requests of Capital At a time when we are publishing these lines.
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