It was not served to the government to move the competence on the validation of the detention of migrants in Albania to the Court of Appeal. After taking off the competence to the specialized courts, with an unprecedented act accusing the magistrates of being politicized, the judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome, after a day of hearing, ordered the postponement of the documents to the European Court of Justice waiting for that The same is pronounced on the concept of a safe country, as had been planned, on February 25th. Thus they return to Italy, probably already during the night, the 43 migrants (six had already been transferred to our country because they are minors or vulnerable) that had been brought to the center of Gjader.
Therefore, the third trip, with Cassiopea ship, to move migrants to Albania. The center remains empty for the impossibility, as had already happened in the two previous decisions to “recognize the states of origin of the people with detained as ‘safe countries’.
On the other hand, the same Constitutional Court had sanctioned that if it is true that “the designation of a third country as a country of safe origin can be carried out, through a ministerial decree, with personal exceptions”, “however the accelerated border procedure It cannot be applied where, even when validating the detention, the judge expands the serious reasons to believe that the country is not sure for the particular situation in which the applicant finds himself “. He had also reiterated that “he is called to verify, in limit hypotheses, if the ministerial evaluation has crossed the external boundaries of reasonableness and has been exercised manifestly arbitraryly or if the relative designation has become, ICTU Oculi, no longer responding to the situation real”. Finally he had postponed the decision on appeals after the date of February 25 to wait for the decision of the European Court.
The government’s decision is different who, in full institutional clash with the judiciary, has decided to raise the level of the clash by sending the Cassiopea ship to transfer migrants to Albania before the decision of the European Court.
Migrants return to Italy, despite the enormous pressure under which the magistrates found themselves deciding. And the Italians pay this further decision of the government which has all the flavor of an advertising spot.