At a time when the geopolitical landscape remains characterized by instability and uncertainty, the presidency of how it wishes to reaffirm the constant proximity and the heartfelt solidarity of the EU bishops to the Ukrainian people, which has been suffering for more than three years for the unjustifiable large -scale invasion by Russia. We remember in prayer all those who have lost their lives, those who were injured, those who have had to escape from their homes out of fear, those who continue to defend their homeland. We want to express our gratitude to the EU decision makers for providing humanitarian, political, economic, financial and military support unprecedented to Ukraine and its people in recent years.
We also deeply appreciate the tireless efforts of civil society organizations, including many organizations of religious inspiration, and European citizens in showing concrete gestures of solidarity with people suffering from the consequences of war. The struggle of Ukraine for peace and defense of its territorial integrity is not just a struggle for one’s future. His outcome will also be decisive for the fate of the entire European continent and a free and democratic world
The war has now entered a new chapter. Among the growing geopolitical complexities and the unpredictability of the actions taken by some members of the international community, we ask the European Union and its Member States to remain united in their commitment to support Ukraine and its people. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a clear violation of international law. The use of force to alter national borders and atrocious acts committed against the civilian population are unjustifiable and also require a consequent search for justice and responsibility.
An integral peace, just and lasting in Ukraine can only be achieved through negotiations. Any credible and sincere effort of dialogue must be supported by a strong and continuous transatlantic and global solidarity and must involve the victim of the attack: Ukraine. We firmly reject any attempt to distort the reality of this aggression. To be sustainable and right, A future peace agreement must fully respect international law and be supported by effective security guarantees to prevent the conflict from rekindling. The peace agreement must establish the necessary conditions to ensure that Ukrainian families can meet again and live a life in dignity, security and freedom in their sovereign and independent homeland.
Furthermore, In view of the restoration of the Ukrainian social fabric, the strengthening of social cohesion and the start of a long -term reconciliation path, it will be equally important that the rights of all communities, including the Russian minority, are supported and protected. The international community must continue to assist Ukraine in the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructures. Russia, the attacker, must adequately participate in this effort. In response to the research of Ukraine of a future within the European Union and the internal reforms created for this purpose, we ask the EU to carry on the process of enlargement in a timely and fair way together with the other candidate countries.
Also, while the contours of a new global security architecture are redesigning, our profound hope is that the European Union remains faithful to its vocation of being a promise of peace and an anchor of stability for its neighborhood and for the world. While Christians are preparing to take the path of Lent, a time of repentance and conversion that leads to Easter, the feast of hope and new life, we continue to entrust Ukraine and Europe to our Lord Jesus Christ, by intercession of Mary, the Queen of Peace.
(Photo Ansa: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with the president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the president of the European Council Antonio Costa)