“Even if in the world there is so bad, we can distinguish those who are different: its greatness, which often coincides with smallness, conquers us”.
The pope’s catechesis is dedicated to hope In the extraordinary jail hearing Saturday morning – the second of this Holy Year, after that of 11 January – in which he stressed that “Mercy changes the heart “.
The Jubilee «It is for people and for the earth a new beginning; It is once – stressed Francesco – in which everything must be rethought in the dream of God. And we know that the word “conversion” indicates a change of direction. Everything can finally be seen from another perspective and so even our steps go to new destinations. Thus arises the hope that he disappoints ». Instead “A too safe ego, a too proud ego prevents us from recognizing the risen Jesus: even today, in fact, its appearance is that of ordinary people who remain easily behind us. Even when we cry and disperse, we leave it behind ».
Pope Francis invited to have “a courageous attitude in life” because “it is bad to leave the chair empty”. “Everyone can say: I have a place, I have a name, I have a mission.”
The Pope then focused on the figure of Maria Maddalena, Healing by the mercy of God: “Mercy changes the heart and, to Mary Maddalena, Mercy has brought it back to God’s dreams and has given new destinations to her path”. Above all, the Maddalena is the one who turns: does not look at the empty sepulcher, but towards the Risen One. And he still turns, when he feels his name pronounce: «This is how his hope grows: now he sees the sepulcher, but no longer as before. He can dry his tears, because he listened to his name: only his teacher pronounces him like this. The old world seems still there, but there is no longer ».
Then the Pope asked everyone a question: «Let’s ask ourselves today: do I know how to look at things differently, with a different look? Do I have a desire for conversion? A too safe ego, a too proud ego prevents us from recognizing the risen Jesus: even today, in fact, its appearance is that of ordinary people who remain easily behind us. Even when we cry and disperse, we leave it behind. Instead of looking in the darkness of the past, in the void of a sepulcher, from Maria Maddalena we learn to turn to life. There our teacher awaits us. There our name is pronounced».
Francesco’s speech lasted about a quarter of an hour. The faithful, about eight thousand, from the Campania diocese of Caserta and Capua have filled the classroom Paul VI, While another group of pilgrims, who arrived from the diocese of Sulmona, were in the Basilica of San Pietro where they were able to see and listen to the pontiff thanks to a connection.
After the catechesis and greetings in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope went to find them to greet and give the blessing: “Good morning to all of you, you felt the preaching,” he said, “in connection. Thank you for your presence ». Then he gave the blessing and took a tour for greetings also in the Basilica.
The hearing had started with an off -program. The Pope entered the Paul VI Hall on foot, leaning on the stick. But support at the base of the same support has detached itself and the Pope was seen to squeeze for a few moments. Then he continued, always on foot, but under Braccio to Monsignor Leonardo Sapienza and his helper who took the stick in his hand now not safe.