“The Pope has always wanted us to tell the truth.” Professor Sergio Alfieri opens the press conference convened at the Gemelli Polyclinic to say how things are. It is not silent of the “gravity of the situation” of which the Pope is aware. “I realize that the situation is serious,” he told the doctors that they cure him, even if “at this moment he is not in danger of life. But if you ask me if the answer is out of danger is no ». Next to him Dr. Luigi Carbone, who follows the Pope’s health in Santa Marta for his chronic pathology, and who is constantly thanked together with the nurse Massimiliano Strappetti. The doctors, reconfirming everything that has already been declared in the bulletins, insisting a lot on the generosity of the Pope who does not spare himself in working and on the conditions not desperate, but still serious. The hospitalization will not be short because, underlines Professor Alfieri, it is always “an 88 -year -old gentleman” with a serious pathology.
The team that follows him, lists Alfieri, is made up of Dotto Sanguineti, who is the director of the laboratory that has isolated microorganisms, “there are many germs, viruses, kittens and bacteria”. Carlo Torti, the pneumologist Richeldi, Gabrarrini, the cardiologist Buzzotta. The Pope keeps his good mood and “only he decides if on Sunday angelus or not say”, we will give advice. But, for example, “this morning when I greeted him” Good morning Holy Father “, he replied with” Good morning Holy Son “
“He did not have a sepsis, we have reduced some drugs. He is of good eomisor, but he knows that the situation is serious. However, appetite, he works in an armchair and spends time praying in the chapel”, summarizes. And finally, Ringarzia moved the Gemelli structure and recalls Professor Giovanni exchange, who died yesterday, “a person who left his mark” for everything he has done.