From left, Don Antonio Rizzolo, Don Stefano Stimamiglio, Don Giuseppe Musardo and Don Roberto Ponti.
The new Governance structure of San Paolo takes shape in the sign of continuity and mission. During an official meeting, the general manager of San Paolo and member of the Administrative Casel Don Giuseppe Musardo, Don Antonio Rizzolovice -president of San Paolo Libri and sole director of the diffusion of the products as well as director of Maria with youthe new general manager of the apostolate, or the director of Christian family Don Stefano Stimamiglio and the superior of the Italian province Don Roberto Ponti They outlined the new organizational structure and future challenges of the editorial group, reaffirming the value of the Pauline mission and the central role of the community of workers and collaborators. With them too Don Vincenzo Vitaledirector of Believe and new editorial director of the group e Don Giuseppe Lacerenzasole director of the periodicals San Paolo Srl and St Pauls International srl.
The words of Don Antonio Rizzolo: a commitment for the future
By opening the meeting, Don Antonio Rizzolo shared a reflection on his experience and the new assignment: «I have always been an accumulator of charges, because he had to face many things. Now I have the opportunity to focus on a specific area ». He therefore announced his new role, which will see him in particular in the book area (but not only, he is also president of the Don Zilli Foundation).
While assuming these new tasks Don Antonio underlined his continuity in the field which he has been part for some time, maintaining the direction of Maria with you and the presidency of the CISF. “Despite the increase in charges, I hope to be able to perform the task entrusted to me at the best,” he said, focusing on three key principles that he considers fundamental for the future of the group.
The first principle is that of subsidiarity: «If everyone is good for his part, the whole benefits from it. This is an invitation for all of you: continue to give your best ». The second is the need to an overviewunderlining that San Paolo is a single editorial group with multiple areas and realities that must operate in synergy. Finally, the third principle concerns the mission: «We call our ‘post -posted’ activity, a term that in Latin translates with ‘mission’. Our mission is not only to produce books, but to announce the good news: God is love ».
Don Stefano Stimamiglio: a shared mission
Don Stefano Stimamiglio then took the floor, sharing the vision expressed by Don Antonio and underlining the importance of teamwork. He recalled his youth experience in volleyball and how sport has taught him the discipline and value of collective work: “Team play is realized even when you enter a religious congregation, where vocation and mission are shared”.
He then highlighted the challenges that await San Paolo, in particular from a geopolitical and technological point of view: “We live in a rapid transformation world, and as a publishing group we must be ready to face these changes with an innovative spirit and with a strong sense of responsibility”. In this context, he recalled the concept of synodalitya path of collaboration between religious and lay people that represents one of the most important challenges for the Church and for San Paolo. In the background, the polar star of the mission remains: the announcement of the Gospel.
Don Roberto Ponti: our group is oriented towards the future
Don Roberto Ponti closed the meeting reaffirming the value of the Pauline mission and the fundamental role of secular collaborators. He told a significant episode that took place in Alba, the place of origin of the Congregation, a city where a priest Paolino, Don Maggioreino Vigolungo, operated, who was able to transmit and inspire the Paolino charisma to a group of boys. This example, according to Don Roberto, shows that the San Paolo proposal still has a great proactive force, even among the youngest. “We have great potential,” he said. «We have to work on the contents, taking care of them and transmitting them in the right way. And then on training, which is essential to build a cohesive group capable of facing the challenges of the future ».
The meeting ended with thanks to all those present and with a prayer for Pope Francis. «Thanks for your support and for your mission. We continue together on this path ».