The provincial superior of San Paolo Don Roberto Ponti, with the consent of his councilors, defined the composition of the new administration council of the San Paolo editorial. The Board of Directors, formalized in the Shareholders’ Meeting last February, is composed of the president Don Ponti, the CEO Don Stefano Stimamiglio, the general manager Don Giuseppe Musardo (who is also a councilor) and the other two directors Don Antonio Rizzolo and Don Franco Soliman .
The provincial superior also established the governance of the group companies, some of which appointed in the relative assemblies of 20-21 February. Don Giuseppe Lacerenza was chosen as the sole director of the periodicals San Paolo Srl and St Pauls International srl. Don Antonio Rizzolo is the sole director of the diffusion of San Paolo Srl, while Don Giuseppe Musardo becomes the sole director of the Edizioni San Paolo Srl. Don Roberto Ponti is the sole director (pro tempore) of Multimedia San Paolo Srl. To Don Sante Sabatucci the responsibility of CEO of San Paolo Patrimonio Srl of which Don Musardo and Don Soliman were appointed directors.
Finally, the provincial superior has appointed Don Vincenzo Vitale Editorial Director of the San Paolo group and Don Antonio Rizzolo Deputy editorial director Area Libri, confirming Don Simone Bruno to the Management.
The new general manager of the apostolate, the director of Famiglia Cristiana Don Stefano Stimamiglio, gives news. In the press release Don Stimamiglio thanks from the heart of his confreres “for the availability and the spirit of service expressed in this path, in particular Don Antonio Rizzolo for the role played so far”. A grateful memory goes to the memory of Don Carlo Cibien, editorial director of the group and councilor of San Paolo Heritage, recently who disappeared. “I trust in the collaboration of all to continue with fidelity and creativity the mission entrusted to us, in the light of the Gospel and according to the charisma Paolino”, concludes Don Stimamiglio. “Blessed Giacomo Treirione accompanies us with his intercession and the Lord bless our work to bring good fruits for the Church and the world”.
“Sure to interpret the feelings of the whole editorial group of San Paolo, I express the best wishes for a fruitful apostolic work to Don Stefano at the service of the Congregation and the Church”, writes the general manager Don Giuseppe Musardo in a letter sent to all confreres and employees Delal San Paolo. «A special thanks goes to Don Antonio Rizzolo for the excellent work done in the last four years; It is now engaged in the books area, in a strategic and development task for our group ».