Given that to talk about a school reform it would be necessary read its contents, for now only announced. At the end of March, it seems, “after a widespread and in -depth work” by a national commission. And given what I will say at the end of these few lines, There has already been much discussed and controversial, just to change, on the news proposed by Minister Valditara.
There was talk of enhancement of cultural tradition And the word “tradition” by parliamentary miglick has come to the jaundice. You always have to throw everything in ideology And it is known that the school has been an impregnable fort, for decades, woe to those who have touched it.
Nevertheless Italian tradition means excellence in the field of philosophy, literature, art, music. Means Latinand here the indignation rises. A snobbish, elitist school! No, it would be optional, one hour a week. Let’s hope It would help to understand the etymology of words and learn a little logical analysis.
Tradition means Above all study the history and geography of our country and Europe. Understand that the Seine crosses Paris and Non Berlin, that Mont Blanc does not stand out in Sicily and that the Po does not flow in the Tavoliere, it does not seem to me anachronistic. With the “Geusteria” one tantum perhaps deepens environmental ecology, without knowing in what environment you live.
There was talk of “School of memory”. Fire lines, myths, poems to be “learned par coeur”, as they expertly say in France, because then, entering the heart, things remain.
Last but not least, with a triple mortal jump, the minister even suggests The study of the Bible. Wig and even bigoted, it said he was with scandal. As if the Bible, faith separately, was not A vocabulary of images and called essential to look at the paintings in our museums and churches, to understand the references of our great writers, composers of theatrical and symphonic works. How to enter the Uffizi without knowing the Greek-Latin culture and the ancient and new will?
In the school then there must be a vote for the conduct, and that has a weight. If one of the tasks of the public school, paid for citizens, is to train good citizens, It is obvious that those who insult, insulates, breaks, lead their hands should be reproached and pushed to change, with a vote that also signals to the families that must be changed to course (The parents! If they were the first allies of teachers, instead of judges and sometimes torturers, doing the damage of their children).
And finally the premise I had anticipated: No reform, well thought out and well written, makes sense in maranean schools, in bad neighborhoods, left to themselves or criminal gangs. No reform has value in schools where there are no gyms and you have to take the toilet paper from home, it rains from the ceiling and their companions turn to the corridors with the knife in the pocket, or the pockets full of grass. In summary, I would start from the fundamentals. And then I live the Latin.