We now seem almost accustomed and insensitive to blasphemies, almost accustomed to the prevailing bad customs. I know that most people who pronounce them do so without thinking of the Almighty, almost like an interjection. I remember that many years ago, at the time when a newspaper I worked for often sent me to the North East, I was shocked to learn that the group of other correspondents from the big newspapers, even prestigious ones, cursed continuously, with gusto, almost to displease God. Personally, I am always struck by those of kids, in front of school, on a football pitch, in front of a disco, on a tram. And I still remember the shock when I heard a young mother in her thirties utter a curse, the wife of someone I knew. Yet it is a background noise that pollutes the world, not only for believers but for all those who believe in respect for the religious and the sensitive. The encyclical “Hallowed be Thy Name” by Luciano Lincetto is a work that goes against the grain and addresses a profound and complex theme: blasphemy and the silence (accomplice, it should often be added) that surrounds it. Published by the Promozione Cattolica Editorial Association, this reflection is an invitation to become aware of a phenomenon that is often overlooked, but is widespread in contemporary society. Lincetto, with decisive and passionate tones, expresses his pain and bitterness in the face of the blasphemous use of the name of God, denouncing the general indifference that surrounds this topic.
«It pains me greatly to hear swearing and I think I’m not the only one. It is a constant pain, which derives from a generalized silence which in my opinion becomes collusive.” With these words, the author introduces the heart of his work, motivating the decision to write a secular encyclical against blasphemy. For Lincetto, the problem is not only the act itself, but also the cultural context that allows and tolerates it, highlighting the lack of adequate reactions on the part of society and institutions.
The author questions how blasphemy has become such a common and accepted behavior, even by those who profess to be believers. “Currently, in Italy, the number of people who swear has increased and even women and young people have joined this bad habit.” With harsh words, Lincetto denounces the extension of this phenomenon, not only among men, but also among the categories that historically were less involved in it.
Another key point of the encyclical is the power of words. «What qualifies the person is the word: it is our typical characteristic. It creates meaning and depth.” The author emphasizes how language is a fundamental tool for the construction of our humanity and how blasphemy represents a degeneration of this gift. According to Lincetto, vulgar and blasphemous language is not just a matter of rudeness, but a sign of a deeper crisis that affects the interiority of the individual.
Through numerous biblical quotations, the author reinforces his discussion on the seriousness of blasphemy in the eyes of God. He quotes Exodus: «You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who takes his name in vain» , to underline how blasphemy is a serious sin and not just a matter of superficial words. Even the testimonies of the saints often recur in the pages of the book, such as that of Saint Augustine who stated: «We must bear with patience the insults that are done to us, but when, in front of us, a sacrilegious mouth vomits blasphemies against God, we must resist the wicked and condemn blasphemy, without hiding our indignation.”
The strength of Lincetto’s message is also manifested in his call to action, addressed not only to individual believers, but to all religious and civil institutions. According to the author, it is necessary for the Church, educators, parents and community leaders to mobilize to combat this phenomenon, through concrete initiatives and awareness campaigns. “All Christians who carry out roles of education, direction and authority should decide to undertake laudable anti-blasphemy activity”, writes Lincetto, inviting collective mobilization to re-establish respect for the name of God.
The work ends on a note of hope and commitment. The author proposes to organize a massive presence of anti-blasphemy volunteers in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, with the aim of spreading the message of respect for the sacred as much as possible. «All this and more must be done before the habit of blaspheming becomes more deeply rooted and more difficult to eradicate», urges Lincetto.
“Hallowed be Thy Name” it is not only a heartfelt denunciation of blasphemy, but an invitation to rediscover the value of words and faith, through a concrete and conscious commitment. Luciano Lincetto’s encyclical is striking for its depth and the passion with which it tries to awaken consciences, calling everyone to greater responsibility towards their own actions and words.