Coming straight from Sweden, the house under bell continues to seduce with its originality and its lasting mind. But what is it exactly? Here’s what you need to know.
Imagine a house wrapped in a glass bubble: this is the principle of bioclimatic habitat. This “bell house” consists of two elements: a main house and a large greenhouse that surrounds it, forming a protective setting. Generally built with a wooden or aluminum structure and laminated glass, this greenhouse captures light and retains heat, like a horticultural greenhouse. Robust, ecological and designed to last, it resists climatic variations while offering a space where growing plants, fruits and vegetables all year round. Result: a Mediterranean climate in any season.
A concept from cold countries
The Swedish architect Bengt Warne is at the origin of the concept of the house under bell, then called Nature Housewhich he developed in the 1970s. However, and despite his avant-garde design and his lasting aspect, this concept was considered at the time as too expensive to set up and stagnates in the draft state. But the house under bell was far from having said her last word, because she returned very slowly to the front of the stage in Sweden, in the suburbs of Stockholm, especially with the “Naturhus” of Greenhouse Living, but also in the countries -Bas and in Belgium.
Sweetness of life and energy savings
In addition to the originality of this concept, the advantages of a house under a bell are numerous. This type of habitat adapts to the cycles of nature to better preserve it by fully using solar energy resources andThe energy savings are considerable. Indeed, The greenhouse effect allows you to heat a house under a bell without heating all year roundincluding with particularly cold external temperatures. When for example winter temperatures can be around -10 or -15 ° C in certain regions, a bell house can offer an interior temperature ranging from 15 to 20 ° C, thus suggesting a fairly high temperature of the house under temperatures summer.
Furthermore, owners can Cultivate a vegetable garden all year round And Plant varieties that would not normally survive the regional climate. Its configuration allows Rainwater recovery for sanitary facilities or drunk watering
And in France?
If the bell houses have many followers in Sweden where the concept has emerged, nature house also begins to develop in other neighboring countries. Moreover, a few years ago in France, a family from Loire-Atlantique made the choice to opt for this type of home by building a house in a greenhouse. This family even found a judicious solution so as not to suffer from heat during the summer season by installing a shade mat and windows on the roof allowing a ventilation of the house.
What is the price of a bell house?
The cost of a bell house is very random and depends on several factors (area, materials used, etc.). But for example, this family having opted for a house in a greenhouse would have spent a total of 190,000 euros for the construction of the house, including 65,000 euros for the purchase of the greenhouse, for a living area of 145 m² for The house, sheltered under a greenhouse of around 300 m².