The scams are multiplying and the crooks do not hesitate to use all the means to deceive their victims. Here is the new scam that is raging in France.
Scams swarm online or telephone, but the crooks do not abandon the other operating modes, in particular by driving. By hearing about these unfortunate situations, the French are more and more vigilant when a person they do not know comes to ring at home. But it is easy to be trapped. Indeed, a scam is currently prevailing in the department of Aude, in several municipalities.
This January 23, the city of Narbonne gave the alert to better protect its inhabitants. Malinteenty people came to do door-to-door, pretending to be Véolia agents in several communes in Narbonnais, reports the newspaper L’Indépendant. They asked individuals to check their water meters or take a look at their home to make sure there was no leak. This “service rendered” is of course not carried out without consideration: the crooks then claimed a cash payment of approximately 20 euros.
Remember that when this approach is carried out by a professional, it does not require any live remuneration. In order not to be fooled, it is important to always check the name and logo of the company that comes to ask you. You can also demand to check upstream your professional card, and if in doubt, do not open the door from you …
This type of scam had already taken place in Lot-et-Garonne last August where false agents of the public water and sanitation services presented themselves with individuals to intervene at home, by stating their personal information. “”The fraudsters appear at home without an appointment and ask to access water or sanitation installations. They use various pretexts to get into the dwellings or to obtain sensitive information“explained the Water Syndicat47 in a press release. Vigilance is therefore in order!