A higher risk of having an early Alzheimer’s.
Drinks can be real allies for brain health. Some, like green tea or infusions are full of antioxidants protecting the brain system. On the other hand, others are deleterious and damage cognitive capacities. Researchers from the University of Boston (United States) have pointed out the “worst” brain drinks.
They brought cognitive tests and brain imagery to a cohort of more than 4,000 people over 30 representatives of the American population. They realized that the more a person consumed this type of drinks, the more signs of acceleration of brain aging as a reduction in the total volume of the brain or a poorer episodic memory (the memory of memories and autobiographical events, editor’s note ) compared to the person who consumed little or not at all. The person who drank it every day presented an atrophied and damaged hippocampus, a predictive marker of early Alzheimer’s disease (is called “early Alzheimer” a disease that occurs before the age of 65).
Drinks strongly associated with signs of brain aging are here “Fruit juice” type “apple juice”, “orange juice” or “grapefruit juice”, can be read in their study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia.. These are drinks that we often consider as healthy options because they are rich in fruit when they are very sweet. However, sugar, in excess, is known to disturb cognitive processes and neuropsychological markers involved in the occurrence of dementia.
As with everything in nutrition, the key lies in balance and moderation: “You can allow ourselves a small glass of fruit juice (125 ml) per day, at breakfast ideally, provided that it is a 100% pure juice (therefore without added, neither water nor additives) or an pressed orange“, advises us Caroline Seguin, dietician-nutritionist.