Asking for a salary increase can be a delicate moment but, with the right approach, it is possible to maximize your chances of seeing your request accepted. Discover the sentence to tell your boss to earn a salary increase.
Asking for a salary increase is a bit like spending a casting: you have to be well prepared and know how to sell. Whether you feel the need to see your remuneration reflect your efforts on the past year or obtain well -deserved recognition, the solution lies in the way you approach the situation. A key sentence is that which unlocks many situations according to these experts.
First of all, it is necessary to choose the right timing to ask for an increase … The best is to avoid a moment of the day when your boss is overloaded. This could upset him and he will respond quickly in the negative! But above all, you have to know how to use good rhetoric, that is to say techniques allowing to structure its arguments effectively. This allows you to convince the person to whom we address, in this case the boss or the manager to request a salary increase.
And here is the sentence that hits the bull’s eye from the MBway business and management school: “I really appreciate my role within the company and I am devoted to its success. However, I believe that my current remuneration does not fully reflect the value I bring. I would like to discuss the possible ways to adjust this“. Do not hesitate to continue the discussion by providing concrete arguments which demonstrate that you are an added value to the company. Indeed, an employer has no interest in losing a key collaborator, especially if the latter can be recovered by competition.
And above all … get started frankly! Do not use terms or formulations that can show uncertainty on your part. “”I would have liked“,”possibly“,”Rather good results“,”a small increase“Are expressions to ban. However, be careful to trust. This could put off your employer. The whole thing is to be measured and there is not always necessary to wait for the annual interviews to speak money with your supervisor.