You will only need your phone and a blank badge. Great savings in the key!
Almost everyone has a badge to open the door of their building or that of their garage. But when it should be changed because it no longer works, you must generally start procedures with the lessor or the condominium and wait several days before receiving your new badge. Not to mention, the charges billed which are quite expensive, when it is ultimately a small electronic gadget that one could change yourself.
Most tenants are unaware of it, but redoing a building badge does not necessarily require a professional. It is quite possible to do it at home simply using an application on your phone. The tip in question was shared on the Tiktok social network by the @co.ben account. In a short video, visible at the top of the article, the user explains how to do it to duplicate his badge yourself. Listening to it, it’s very easy and it is above all very economical!
For this, start by buying virgin badges, also called “Mifare badges”, which are often on sale in lots on e-commerce sites. Buying wholesale is saving money while having spare badges for you and your loved ones if necessary. “On Amazon, the batch of 10 badges costs 15 euros and that’s all you will have to pay, 1.50 euros per badge”underlines @co.ben in his video. Then take your phone and download the free “Mifare Classic Tool” application (only available on Android).
Once the mobile application is installed, simply open it and click on “Read Tag”. Place your phone on your old badge to duplicate it. Once detected, click on “Read the tag and associate the keys”, then on the three points at the top right to “save”. Give a simple name to the ‘DUMP’ file and save it. Then, click on “Writing tag”, select “Write Dump (cloning)”, then check the options “Apply these conditions of access to all sectors” and “Advanced: activate writing on block 0”.
Next step: Click on “Select the Dump” and below Reclord “Select the Dump”, leave all the checked sectors. Finally, put your smartphone on the blank badge and click on “Start the association and write the Dump” to finalize the copy of your badge. Your new badge is ready to be used to access your building!