You have meticulously prepared for your interview: your speech is ready, your outfit is carefully selected… But do you know what the key question to ask is to end the meeting in an ultra-positive way?
Everyone has already felt this pressure before meeting a recruiter… We naturally hope that the flow will go well with the recruiter and that our presentation will live up to expectations for the position to be filled. Most of the time, the most stressful part of a job interview is the questioning stage. However, it is the best way to make a good impression on the recruiter!
A job interview can be a decisive moment in a career, especially if the position is promising and comes with many advantages: good salary, responsibilities, bonuses and variables, etc. So, you should definitely not rush the final exchange with the recruiter, which can be decisive… for him as well as for you! Indeed, a survey commissioned by the site specializing in employment Indeedin 2015, revealed that no less than 38% of the candidates surveyed had already given up on joining a company after a job interview.
There are several reasons for a candidate to refuse to proceed further in the recruitment process. For example, the job interview may have made it possible to lift the veil on certain gray areas concerning the expectations of the position, the lack of room for maneuver to negotiate salary or quite simply a feeling that does not pass…
But it happens, fortunately, that the interview also goes perfectly. The candidate then finds himself confronted with a sentence he dreads: “Do you have any questions?“And this is where you have a card to play to stand out from other candidates. The site Hello Workalso a recruitment specialist, has listed a few questions to ask that may hit the mark, including one in particular.
According to Hello Workit would be worth asking the recruiter the following thing: “What do you like most about your job right now?“Why this question? Because it allows the interlocutor to talk about himself, which everyone generally likes, and this question”allows him to praise the merits of his company: its advantages, its assets“Besides, this is also beneficial for you…”Depending on the recruiter’s response, you will be able to better understand the general atmosphere of the company. If you feel that the recruiter himself is not very comfortable on the subject, there may be a wolf and it is better to find out before you hire!“