Julie Pietri was not intended for a singer career. The 69 -year -old artist was on the right track to exercise a completely different job until an opportunity arises …
Julie Pietri, born of a commercial father in agronomy, always wanted to make a career in music. But her parents wanted her to take a different direction. The native of Douera, in Algeria, who then settled in the Pecq, in the Yvelines, with her family, followed the course traced by her parents for a time. Until she decides to take her future in hand …
Julie Pietri: This job she should have exercised … “I passed all my exams”
Julie Pietri was a brilliant student at school. Enough to consolidate her parents in their desire to see her pursue her studies. “”It was out of the question to tell Dad that I wanted to continue a music dream. So I entered Medicine Faculty“She said a few years ago, in a report broadcast on M6.
The young woman intended herself speech therapist and graduated hands down. “”In college, I passed all my exams. And I wrote a dissertation on primary swallowing and its consequences in orthodontics“, She had added, obviously delighted not to have continued on this path. Instead of putting on her speech therapist blouse, Julie Pietri decided to follow the advice of a chorister friend and spent a hearing, without talking to her family, in which she was spotted by one of the producers of the Basile band.
Julie Pietri led a double-life: neighbors unmasked her
Chosen to perform with this very popular group at the time, she began to spend more and more often on television, without her parents being aware … but they ended up discovering her two-life singer! “”These are neighbors who sounded with my parents saying to them, ‘Is it not your daughter who go to Drucker?’“, She said in M6’s report. As best he could, her parents ended up accepting her decision to make a career under the spotlight.
As for her daughter, Manon, the fruit of her love with the musician Yann Cortella, she followed the traces of her parents and pursues an artistic career. The 33 -year -old young woman is artistic director of the Cabaret Madame Arthur, as Julie Pietri had explained to Here ParisShe had also dropped, about her daughter of which she is particularly proud: “It’s a sacred girl”.