Eight out of ten consumers take it every day to relax and promote sleep. Colossal sums are already at stake…
To sleep better, relax, reduce everyday anxiety… We are all looking for natural solutions. We know about plant infusions, essential oils, meditation… but another natural remedy “is experiencing growing success” according to a recent survey, particularly among men. This remedy is rather recent since it was authorized in France in December 2022, therefore less than two years ago. A survey published by Grand View Research estimates that the global market for this product will reach $13.4 billion by the end of the year, driven in particular by strong demand in Europe.
This famous natural remedy which undoubtedly relaxes is cannabidiol, better known as CBD. And, indeed, it is found almost everywhere in France. Shops selling CBD or “CBD Shop” are popping up in big cities but also in smaller ones. They sell CBD in flowers, in oil… for the purpose of relaxation. As a reminder, CBD is not the cannabis banned in France because of its high THC content. No, CBD is an active substance present in the hemp plant or “cannabis sativa” (like THC) but in a specific variety authorized for its cultivation because it contains less than 0.3% THC and is therefore not considered as a narcotic. According to Santé Publique France, 16% of French people aged 18 to 75 have consumed CBD at least once.
According to the study* carried out by Visual CBD, an online CBD comparator, men are the biggest consumers of CBD in France today. “The typical profile is a man aged 35 to 44. Nearly a quarter of consumers are over 45” he informs. In addition to its soothing properties, 30% of men take CBD to seek a replacement for THC and no longer suffer from its psychoactive effects, and 26% use it to combat pain. 84% or more than 8 out of 10 people take it every day.
74% of consumers favor the use of CBD flowers for smoking. The resin format comes in second position, but very far behind (14.4%). Next come oils which bring together 7.2% of respondents. On the budget side, 36% of consumers spend 50 to 100 euros per month for CBD and 29% more than 100 euros. 5% devote a budget of between 200 and 300 euros to it and 2.8% more than 300 euros. Purchases are most often made online but also in stores.
Be careful, however, to follow the instructions for use because “if CBD does not act or very little on cannabinoid receptors (those where THC is attached), it acts in the brain in particular on dopamine and serotonin receptors, thus making it a psychoactive product in its own right Its consumption can therefore have psychoactive effects, sedation and drowsiness. reminds us of Professor Joelle Micallef, professor of pharmacology, for Mildeca (Interministerial mission to combat drugs and addictive behavior).
*This study was conducted among 1,991 members of CBD Facebook groups.