Actress Elodie Bouchez has lived a love story with Thomas Bangalter, Daft Punk, for over 25 years! She agreed to talk about their privacy as rarely in “Clique”.
Elodie Bouchez, who is showing the movies of the film Just tell me you love mewith Omar Sy, currently in theaters, lives a romance with Thomas Bangalter, one of the two members of the Daft Punk. A romantic relationship that seems particularly solid since it has been going on for 25 years! But how could the actress have preserved her couple with the musician?
Elodie Bouchez, cash on her couple with a member of the Daft Punk: “Hide a lot of help”
The discreet but popular Elodie Bouchez made very rare secrets about her couple with Thomas Bangalter, in the show Click. How do the now 51-year-old actress and the 50-year-old musician manage to maintain their relationship in time? The two artists try to be particularly discreet …
“”I was also lucky because it seems that it is difficult to live with another artist. In my case, with Thomas Bangalter and this policy to hide, I think it has also helped that we can continue to love each other and look at the world without being constantly watched“She told the host Mouloud Achour.
Elodie Bouchez; “The difficulty, in a couple of artists, is …”
The lovebirds, who had met in 1999 while Elodie Bouchez was passing through Los Angeles, are now parents of two children, Tara-Jay and Roxan, born in 2002 and 2008. Since then, the couple met up and stockings, but has always been able to face. “”The difficulty, sometimes, in a couple of artists, is the moment when one receives more attention than the other. Thomas is so comfortable with that that he could both flourish and let me flourish“, The actress had told World.
The actress of The dream life of angels Consider that it is particularly important to separate your privacy and professional life. “”I believe that anonymity is the most precious thing in our profession. This is what allows you to continue looking at the world around you. This look that we all take on our neighbors, on people in front of us on the bus, in the metro, everywhere. For me, this is really the actor’s raw material“She detailed in Click. To live happy, let’s live hidden!