If you don’t always dare to push those around you away from your newborn, you will now know what to say.
When a baby is born, few parents dare to put up barriers. Starting with visits to the maternity ward. Because although the mother is exhausted after a long and painful childbirth, she needs to get her bearings and rest at the same time as the baby, she must put on a good face in front of the whole family who have come to welcome the new arrival. And while this suits most parents, few of them dare to set limits, while others ignore certain risks.
Not all parents and those around them are aware of the danger and when we meet a baby for the first time, we inevitably want to cuddle her and hold her in our arms. In a video posted to his TikTok account, NHS surgeon Dr Karan Raj warns parents and relatives of the risks when kissing an infant. Indeed, his immune system is not fully developed, this increases the risk of serious infections. It is therefore advisable to be careful during the first three months or so, and until he has had his vaccinations in general. Otherwise, be vigilant with hygiene practices.
Dr. Karan recommends that parents wash their hands thoroughly before touching baby (and ask your loved ones to do the same). According to him, only parents (or the person who takes care of them on a daily basis such as the nanny or childminder for example) should be allowed to kiss the baby, and provided of course that they are not sick. “This also includes a cold sore, diarrhea, vomitings…” He also recalls that infections which cause mild symptoms in adults or children, such as a simple cold for example, can be much more serious in newborns, constantly exposed to microbes from their environment and do not need to be affected by viruses and other bacteria.
If you don’t dare rebuff your loved ones or grandparents who might feel upset about not having “the right” to kiss their grandchild, remind them that it is above all for the good of the baby. After all, you’re the mother, and it’s up to you to decide. If they wish, they can kiss a piece of his little toe, his hand… Or will have to wait a little longer before cuddling him with all their love and without restriction.