Our dietician-nutritionist is formal.
It is well known, with age, it is essential to maintain a proper functioning of the immune system, in order to reduce the risk of health problems. But it is not always easy to know which vitamins turn to and where to find them. If we immediately think of vitamin C present in kiwis, citrus and peppers, which help support the immune system and the absorption of iron, “There are others” Recalls Sandra Ferreira dietician-nutritionist. And one in particular is to be promoted.
To start, you should know that by aging, the absorption of vitamin B12 decreases. It produces red blood cells and contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency can go so far as to cause neurological disorders, so it is very important to keep a diet rich in B12 vitamins. “We find it in eggs, meat, fish and dairy products”explains Sandra Ferreira. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, also contributes to good health after 60 years, thanks to its role on cognitive function and on the heart. It is found mainly in green leafy vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
Dietitian-nutritionist also recommends vitamin A, excellent for the immune system and sight, especially “Because with age, there are risks of macular degeneration”. Carrots are excellent sources of vitamin A, “As soon as the fruit or vegetable is yellow-orange, we are almost sure that there is vitamin A inside”. Without forgetting vitamin E, antioxidant, which protects the cells from aging. It is found in oilseeds, especially nuts, and vegetable oils. But the most important vitamin after 60 years according to our expert, “It’s vitamin D”.
It is essential to bone health because it promotes the absorption and fixing of calcium on them and boosts the immune system as well as morale. “After 60 years, everything is slowing down, that is to say that even the capacity of the skin to produce vitamin D is slowed down” recalls our interlocutor. This vitamin is brought by food via fatty fish such as salmon and sardine, as well as eggs. It is also produced by the body thanks to the UV rays of the sun. “It is not enough for much, just 15 minutes, the forearms slightly in the sun, and we produce its vitamin D for the day!” This advice is mainly worth for sunny seasons. “”In January, around noon, it takes just over 2 hours of sun exposure to obtain the recommended daily dose of vitamin D with the face, neck, hands and forearms discovered “Spanish researchers reported in the newspaper Science of Total Environment. In winter, it is also possible to request vitamin D supplementation from your attending physician. It is only issued by prescription.