Lorena Bianchetti, Vincenzo Corrado and Don Davide Banzato are the winners of the special edition In Jubilee of Good news prizeone of the most prestigious Italian journalistic awards, the only one in Europe dedicated to positive news. On the occasion of the Holy Year, the prize – which traditionally takes place in Caserta – will have an extraordinary ceremony in Rome, in the San Paolo bookshop in via della ConciliationSaturday March 15 at 11.30.
The initiative, promoted byGood News Award Association together withUCSI Caserta and al Good news courier of Corriere della Seraaims to enhance journalism that not only informs in a correct and complete way, but which also tells the positive face of society. This year the event is part of the jubilation celebrations, underlining the importance of a communication inspired by the values of sharing and hope.
The winners and motivations
- Lorena Bianchettiknown face of In his image and author of Journey to the Jubileeprogram that accompanies the public to discover the spiritual meaning of the Holy Year.
- Vincenzo Corradodirector of theSocial Communications Office of the CEIfor his commitment to organize the Jubilee of journalists nationally and Vatican.
- Don Davide Banzatoconductor de The travels of the hearttelevision format that brings testimonies of faith and solidarity to the screen.
“The good news prize, in the Jubilee year, flies to Rome for a special edition dedicated to the universal message of Pope Francis, to whom we wish a prompt recovery” explain Luigi Ferraiuolo and Michele De Simonepromoters of the prize. “The goal of this edition is to move in synergy with the Catholic world, which is making a great effort to return to the original spirit of the Holy Year, even in the world of communication”.
An annual appointment that expands
The Roman event precedes the traditional ceremony of Good news prizewhich will be held like every year a Caserta on May 17th. In addition, in September, there is a new appointment dedicated to books and essays, created in collaboration with A village of books.
The award enjoys the patronage of theOrder of journalists national and Campania, of Italian Catholic Weekly Federation (Fisc)from the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) and of the Union of journalists from Campania and Casertani. Media partner of the event are tested like The morning, Christian family, Happen, All the beauty there is-Tg2 Rai, TV2000, INBLU2000 RADIO And Agensir.
The initiative is supported by BCC Terra di Lavoro San Vincenzo de ‘Paolithe Caserta Chamber of CommerceThe Consortium of the DOP buffalo mozzarella, LETE WATER, Confindustria Caserta, Hexagon, ISELLI Law Firm, Studio Luberto, Real Mutua Insurance-General Agency of Caserta, Galileo Ferraris Hotel Institute of Caserta, Anna Maria Alois San Leucio And Fontana estate.
Appointment on March 15th
The appointment for the award ceremony is set for Saturday 15 March at 11.30at the San Paolo bookshop in via della Conciliation in Rome. An opportunity to celebrate information that highlights the good, in tune with the spirit of the Jubilee.