Thermal car drivers can benefit from aid to go to electric. Discover the amount of this aid and the conditions to obtain it.
Of almost 40 million cars in circulation in France, 96.8% drive exclusively for petrol or diesel. If the share of electric and hybrid vehicles increases, thermal cars therefore remain largely in the majority. To try to reverse the trend and promote the transition to a more ecological automobile, the government has set up the retrofit bonus, financial aid intended for modest households which aims to transform the thermal engine of a car into an electric motor or Rechargeable hybrid.
To benefit from the retrofit, certain conditions must be fulfilled. The premium is intended for adults justifying a domicile in France and whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to a certain amount, fixed according to the type of vehicle concerned (private car, van or vehicle for two or three wheels) and the type of retrofit (electric or hybrid motor). Depending on the income, the amount of the premium varies.
For a private car, if the reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 7,500 euros or if it is less than or equal to 16,300 euros for people who drive a lot, then the amount of the premium is to 5,000 euros (within the limit of 80 % of the processing cost) for an electric retrofit, and at 3,000 euros (up to 80 % of the processing cost) for a hybrid retrofit.
For a private car, if the reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 16,300 euros, then the premium amounts to 3,000 euros (within the limit of 80 % of the processing cost) for an electric retrofit, and at 500 euros (up to 80 % of the processing cost) for a hybrid retrofit. On the other hand, households whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 26,200 euros can only benefit from aid for an electric retro -tutor of 500 euros, but not for a hybrid transformation.
To be able to benefit from the retrofit bonus, the aid is deduced from the professional transformation price. And once the transformation has been carried out, the owner must imperatively inform his insurer of the change of engine of your car. If it is an electrical retrofit, which therefore implies a change of engine, the registration certificate (gray card) must also be modified.