On March 15, when he was under fire, Prince Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie put an end to rumors of deception by announcing that he was separated from his wife, Clotilde Courau. Separated, but not divorced. The actress thus keeping all her titles.
Prince Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie has already been prey to be very critical. Overview in the arms of Adriana Abascal, former Miss Mexico, at the Ball of the Doge during the Venice Carnival, the pretender to the throne of Italy was therefore forced to tell the truth: after 21 years of marriage, and two girls, Vittoria and Luisa, he separated from his wife, the French actress Clotilde Courau.
Clotilde Courau retains her royal titles after her separation: what are they?
It is in the columns of the Italian daily Corriere della will be That the prince revealed, on March 15, to be separated from the 55 -year -old actress for four years. “Clotilde and I hear very well, I respect her and I love her, and she will always be the mother of my daughters, who are incredible”he announced. Before adding: “I believe that my daughters, today, know that it is important that their father is happy and has found a person with whom he feels good”.
Clotilde Courau had married Prince Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie in September 2003 in front of 1,200 guests, and thousands of viewers, at the Sainte-Marie-des-Anges-et-des-Martyrs basilica in Rome. On her wedding day, Frenchie had automatically become Princess Savoie, Piedmont and Venice, with the predicate of Royal Highness. And in February 2024, on the death of Prince Victor-Emmanuel of Savoy, father of her husband, she had inherited another title: that of the Reine de Jure. A former Latin phrase which designates the dethroned royal houses whose members are not called upon to reign. Prince Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie and his wife thus becoming king and queen … Without a throne!
Vittoria de Savoie has distanced itself from the monarchy: “I could even get angry …”
So many honorary title, known as courtesy, which have no legal recognition in Italy. And which would have gone well the eldest daughter of the couple, Vittoria Cristina Chiara Adelaide Maria de Savoie, Princess of Carignan, Marquise d’Ivrée. Indeed, at 21, the couple’s eldest girl has always brought the weight of the monarchy to her shoulders … and she never really liked it!
“Until I was 18, I hated talking about monarchy”she even told our colleagues Madame Figaro Last October. And to the sister of Luisa Giovanna Bianca Agata Gavina Maria de Savoie, Princess of Chieri, Countess of Salemi to add: “I could even get angry if I was called Princess. I never considered myself like this”.