According to oncologist Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, “about one in 2 people will be touched by cancer in his life”.
Cancer is the leading cause of premature mortality in France, with just over 150,000 deaths each year. This disease can affect all organs: prostate, breasts, stomachs, brain, liver, bones and even blood. “It is unfortunately a disease that is becoming very common, including in young people. It is estimated that around one in 2 will be touched by cancer in their life”we share Professor Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, professor of radiotherapy oncology. We know certain risk factors such as tobacco, overweight, age … But what really triggers cancer in the body?
“The first thing to remember is that cancer develops following a set of mechanisms. These are cells that will accumulate genetic mutations and which will create a multiplication beyond all control”explains the expert, author of the book “Confidential cancer” (ed of the Equators) published in January 2025. There are, in opposition, mechanisms whose role is to fight against these changes, by naturally eliminating them from the body, “Unfortunately, some cells become resistant to these mechanisms, evolve to be” immortal “and reply uncontrolled”. Is added to that a “Escape capacity” : These cells manage to go beyond the tissues where they were before.
“Some cells create substances that allow them to mask the immune system”
“They will be able to pass through blood vessels, veins, arteries or in the lymphatic system, to go nest in other organs and create metastases”add Professor Bibault. These changes will also develop an ability to modify their environment so as not to be eliminated. “Some cells create substances that allow them to mask the immune system or inhibit it completely and therefore prosper despite the presence of an immune system.” What is this mutation phenomenon that gives rise to cancer due to?
First genetics. There are genetic mutations that are transmitted from mother or father to child. “Even if you have impeccable behavior, if you carry these mutations, you will be very at risk of having cancer“, warns the specialist. Against these genetic mutations, nothing can be done. On the other hand, our behavior and our environment are also risk factors for responsible for cancer and against those, we can act. “It is estimated that around 80 to 90% of the origins of cancers are linked to our behavior and our exhibitions to toxic.” It’s huge.
The first toxic to cancer is smoking and contrary to what one might think, it does not only concern lung cancer. “All cancers are increased by smoking.” The second toxic to cancer is alcohol. It also involves almost all types of cancer. “The third risk factor is infections by certain viruses.” For example, papillomavirus is a potential cause of gynecological cancer.
Bad behaviors that increase the risk of cancer are lack of physical activity, poor diet (overweight and obesity), as well as significant exposure to UVs. It is therefore essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risks as much as possible. If they may seem binding, these lifestyles are not so difficult to set up according to our expert. “Once we said that, we have the impression that we can do nothing without increasing our risk of cancer. In reality, we can do lots of things, but the golden rule is the moderation”concludes Pr Bibault.
Thank you to Professor Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, professor of radiotherapy oncology and author of “Confidential Cancer” at the editions of the Equateurs.