![What is Ménière’s disease? What is Ménière’s disease?](https://img-3.journaldesfemmes.fr/uPwiyIw2tgioDtvnK1a2h31_Xt8=/1500x/smart/db5baa5efb414bc7a906ce4d1f2def33/ccmcms-jdf/40011688.jpg)
Dizziness, ringing in the ears… Ménière’s disease occurs suddenly.
Ménière’s disease is a disease of the inner ear. It causes imbalances and hearing problems which occur in attacks.
Definition: what is Ménière’s disease?
Ménière’s disease affects the deepest part of the ear. It has a major role in hearing, but also in balance. Only one ear is usually affected during Ménière’s syndrome.
Symptoms of Ménière’s disease: dizziness, ringing
► The most common symptom of Ménière’s disease is dizziness. It is a great rotatory vertigo, with balance problemswhich appears suddenly and can last several hours, making it impossible to get up and walk.
► Tinnitus Or buzzing. Hearing is often diminished during times of crisis.
► nausea, vomiting and feeling unwell can frequently occur. This picture can be very distressing during the first attack because it can simulate a stroke. During subsequent attacks, the subject quickly recognizes his symptoms.
► The nystagmuswhich corresponds to rapid eye movements in lateral views, is a very suggestive sign of Ménière’s disease.
► A crisis causes great physical and psychological exhaustion. Great anxiety regarding possible recurrence. Between attacks, balance disorders and tinnitus persist. They are accompanied by anxiety and hearing problems which can be prolonged.
What are the causes of Ménière’s disease?
The origin of the disease may be too high pressure of the liquid contained in the labyrinth. Other causes could be damage to a nerve, or to the central nervous system. THE viruses, allergies, immune system abnormalities, or trauma are the most frequently mentioned hypotheses. Ménière’s disease sometimes occurs in people with an ear infection: this is referred to as Ménière’s syndrome which disappears when the cause has been treated. The course of Ménière’s disease is variable. Hearing loss and balance problems can last for several weeks. The frequency of tinnitus varies and its intensity can be severe during attacks. They can persist for a very long time and become intolerable for certain people, to the point of causing serious depressive syndrome.
“The demonstrations can be spectacular and very distressing”
The first attack of Ménière’s disease must lead to additional tests being carried out to ensure the diagnosis. The protests can be spectacular and very distressing. Once the diagnosis has been established, the situations triggering crises must be determined and avoided. The diagnosis of Ménière’s disease is simply established by a clinical examinationfollowing the description of the symptoms. Certain additional examinations help in the diagnosis such as MRI which, by returning to normal, allows another cause to be eliminated, in particular a tumor or a vascular accident. The audiogramWho tests hearing abilitiesis often normal at the start of the disease, and its repetition allows us to see the progressive appearance of deafness. A consultation with an ENT specialist is essential during Ménière’s disease.
What are the treatments to treat Ménière’s disease?
The treatment of Ménière’s disease includes both treatment of seizures and basic treatment of the disease. In the event of a crisis, quiet rest is necessary. Basic treatment requires psychological caresometimes supplemented with medication to combat anxiety.
The anxiety often associated can be improved by anxiolytics. Anti-dizziness medications can be effective. Anti-vomiting medications are also often necessary. When dizziness and vomiting are too severe, intravenous treatment may be necessary to relieve the subject. In the event of an extremely violent crisis, diuretic medications are sometimes prescribed intravenously Osmotic products such as Mannitol (in the form of infusion) or Glycerol (orally), also help relieve violent attacks. The use of specialized hearing aids can improve the sensations caused by tinnitus and sometimes even improve hearing.
A reduced consumption of caffeine, alcohol and chocolate, a low-salt diet and a calm life can improve the daily lives of patients.
Relaxation and exercises
Relaxation is also a method that can reduce the effects of tinnitus. If medications are ineffective, vestibular rehabilitation may be offered. Vestibular exercises help to strengthen certain mechanisms at the origin of the imbalances occurring in Ménière’s Disease. More than 30 to 40 annual sessions may be necessary. Different exercises are offered using a rotary chair, specific glasses, a dynamic platform or a trampoline for example.
Pressure treatment can be considered when drug treatments or vestibular rehabilitation have not brought improvement. The installation of a drain, a tube passing through the eardrum, carried out under local or general anesthesia, can reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks. Surgical treatment can be offered to people with a severe form of Ménière’s disease despite the trial of different treatments, but this remains rare.
Can you fly with Ménière’s disease?
Ménière’s disease can have repercussions on daily, personal and professional life and have a significant psychological impact. Psychological support can thus provide considerable help to patients in order to learn to tolerate this pathology and to live better with Ménière’s disease. In cases of severe illness, air travel should be limited because variations in barometric pressure can cause seizures.