Sloane decided to leave the southwest of France to settle in the North! But why did the 67-year-old singer have made this life change?
At 67, Sloane continues to perform on stage and also celebrated 40 years of his tube, Need for nothing, want youlast year. For the occasion, she had shot a new song of the song in Dunkirk. It must be said that the North is now the haven of peace of the singer of the 80s, who found refuge there a few years ago …
Sloane: why she moved to the North
The artist made a major decision a few years ago, at the containment period. She chose to settle in Bruay-sur-l’Escaut, a commune close to Valenciennes, in Hauts-de-France, since it is in the North that most of the galas she gives every year! And obviously, the singer is delighted with her new life. “”Northern people are adorable“, she assured the Parisian.
“”What brought me to your home is the kindness and the happiness of the people of the North. Friendship: three -quarters of my friends are in the North, 45% of my galas too and, The warmth of northern people … it’s the heart“She also explained to France 3 regions. Before living in the North, Chantal Richard, his real name, had resided three years in Sologne, then some time in La Rochelle, as she had entrusted in Purecharts.
Sloane: this wild animal that the singer found in her house
In Bruay-sur-l’Escaut where she lives with her 95-year-old mother, Sloane has land with a stable. In the summer of 2023, she had also come face to face with a serval in the stalls of her horses, according to La Voix du Nord. The wild feline fell asleep in the stable before it wakes up and hides at the top of a tree, where the firefighters had been able to recover it.
When she is neither at home nor on stage, the singer, who is also fond of painting, is often in a ride in the forest, where she can collect pieces of wood to paint or seek inspiration for her paintings. The interpreter of Need for nothing, want you has decidedly the soul of an artist …