Cat owners know this well: the work plan must always be rid. The vases, cups and other drags that hang out do not last long. But if cats throw everything on the ground, it is not without reason.
When they are large enough to jump on the table and they have access to everything, the decor of the house must often be redesigned. No more objects that drag on the shelves, evident or the pretty flowery vases that adorn the kitchen table. Cats cannot help testing the law of gravity with their little legs by gently pushing a cup, a mobile phone or any other object, whether or not fragile. So, beware of the one who would allow his things to hang out in the morning before leaving to work! But why do these little felines have a passion for falling objects?
Indeed, even if they spend most of their day resting on the sofa, cats like to drop objects with a leg, sometimes with Aplomb, looking at his master in the eyes! A way for him to draw your attention. For others, overthrowing objects is a way of entertaining, fighting against boredom, or even to mark their territory by affirming their superiority in space, even if it is the only animal present in the house.
Another reason could explain the attraction of cats for the fall of objects. According to Nicholas Dodman, an American veterinarian, this behavior returns cats to their hunter instinct: “They use their legs to test and manipulate potential prey, and this translates into pushing objects from the edge of the tables “., he explains.
This behavior is common to all cats, and arouses many questions from their master. Also, if you find all kinds of objects on the ground when you get home, tell yourself that your cat is not particularly trying to taunt or enraged you. Rather, find out if he is bored by being alone at home, if he lacks attention or if he needs to assert himself.