A problem that affects many people, especially women.
Swollen bellythis is the result of digestion that does not go as planned” immediately launches the naturopath Maeva Mène who receives “very often patients who complain of this phenomenon”. “We all produce gas without it being systematically unpleasantrecalls naturopath Pierre Grenet. The way we eat and what we consume has an influence on our digestive “fluidity.” There is an individual sensitivity. “Some people have lower production of digestive enzymes, or difficulty assimilating certain types of foods, which can lead to bloating more easily”adds Maeva Mène. Age also decreases digestive capacity. “Enzymes like those produced by the pancreas or stomach may be less effective, leading to slower digestion and more frequent bloating.” These are causes against which we can do little.
On the other hand, we can influence our lifestyle and eating habits. For example, taking the time to chew your food. “When we eat too quickly or without chewing enough, food arrives in the stomach in pieces that are too large to be properly digested,” continues the therapist. “This poor breakdown leads to fermentation in the gut, which produces gas and leads to bloating.” Limit stress too. “When the body is under stress, it activates a ‘fight or flight’ response designed to enable us to deal with potential danger.” In these moments, the body mobilizes all its resources for action: energy is directed towards the muscles and the brain, and deserts the digestive system. “The stomach and intestines can no longer do their job properly. Digestion slows down, food stagnates and this can lead to bloating.” explains the naturopath.
Certain foods are more likely to cause bloating. “For example, the gluten of modern wheat or even dairy products, which contain lactose, are often poorly tolerated. As for legumes and vegetables rich in fermentable fiber, such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, etc.), it is It is important to prepare them correctly (by soaking them before).” It is also important not to drink during meals to avoid discomfort. Finally, “Eating on the go, snacking or unbalanced eating habits (such as eating processed foods) can play a significant role in the appearance of a bloated belly.”
To avoid having a bloated stomach, you should generally “take the time to eat in a calm environment, chewing each mouthful thoroughly, – ideally until it has a puree texture, prepare food well and avoid fermentable foods. Relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing or walking in nature can help soothe the
nervous system, which is essential for smooth digestion.