The first glass of Nutella in 1964, the year in which it was born
He turned 60 last year. Since 1964, starting from Alba, in Piedmont, He has been able to transform into global icon loved in over 170 countries. This extraordinary evolution has always been accompanied by the enthusiasm of Nutella® Lovers from all over the world, the real protagonists of World Nutella® Day: an anniversary that is celebrated every year the February 5thborn in 2007 from the spontaneous idea of the American blogger Sara Rosso, who wanted to create a special day to bring together the world community and celebrate, through social media, the passion for hazelnut cream and cocoa most famous in the world.
This year, to celebrate the World Nutella® Day in Italy, Nutella® will be the protagonist of an event to be held Wednesday 5 February at the Maxxi National Museum of the Arts of the 21st century in Rome.
During the event dedicated to Nutella® Lovers, the hazelnut and cocoa cream that has been able to conquer the world will be celebrated as a global brand with a timeless Legacy, Able to inspire generations of fans and consolidate its role not only as an iconic brand, but as a real “Powerbrand”, a symbol of sharing, joy and creativity.
During the evening, conducted by Pierluigi Pardojournalist, sports commentator and television conductor, it will be possible to attend the presentation of the new edition of the book The New World Nutella® – 60 years of innovation by Gigi Padovani, journalist and writer.
The volume offers an in -depth glance on Nutella®’s journey towards the transformation into a global icon, which became part of the collective memory. The celebration of his Legacy will be accompanied by the notes of the violinist Pierpaolo Foti, Famous for his innovative and engaging interpretations and by the tribute of Greg Goya, a street artist known for his “fast art”, which aims to arouse immediate emotions in the public through interactive installations in urban spaces.
The event fits into the context of the exhibition Joyn! A trip to the Nutella® world for his 60 years, set up at Maxxi by Chiara Bertini and in collaboration with Ferrero, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 60 years of Nutella®.
The exhibition retraces six decades of history, innovation and passion, and will be open until April 20, 2025. A mix of play and in -depth analysis in a space for adults and children who offers the opportunity to rediscover the memories related to Nutella®, immerse yourself in its most iconic advertising campaigns and view the social and cultural impact of a brand that has crossed entire generations .
But the exhibition is not just a tribute to a product that has been able to conquer the world: It is a journey into Nutella® entrepreneurial Legacy, made of ingenuity, resilience and continuous innovation. A story that, starting from an artisan laboratory in Alba, has transformed a simple spreadable cream into a global phenomenon, capable of combining cultures, emotions and traditions in over 170 countries.
In fact, the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that has characterized the evolution of the brand remains alive even sixty years since its inception, offering people always new ways to enjoy Nutella® attacked the launch of new products.
«The World Nutella®️ Day is The tangible proof of the lasting force of our brand and the unparalleled passion of our fans, who have elevated Nutella®️ to cultural icon, celebrated even in books and exhibitions », he explains Thomas Chatenier, Global president of Nutella® at Ferrero, “in Ferrero, our commitment to continuous innovation is constant, so that Nutella®️ an indispensable presence remains in the daily life of millions of people”.