Pathology is a discipline that is little known to the French. However, without pathologists, there is no diagnosis. Each year in France, more than 400,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed, and pathology is an almost systematic step for each of these diagnoses. This discipline not only confirms the presence of cancer, but also determines its type, stage and all the crucial information to develop an appropriate treatment.
It is on the cusp of a profound digital transformation that is slow to arrive. Today, only 15% of the sector is digitalized. The rest of the pathologists do not have a tool that allows them to move from the microscope to the screen. This figure highlights the extent of the road still to be traveled at a time when the advent of artificial intelligence and data promises to revolutionize medical diagnosis. They reduce the time to treatment, increase precision, and help select the most effective treatment. And this is still only the beginning. At the same time, digitalization opens the way to major opportunities for using data to search for new biomarkers.