Are you terrified of bedbugs? This news should please you: French researchers have just demonstrated the effectiveness of a very simple product to protect yourself from them and even get rid of them. If you don’t know about this powder yet, now is the time to adopt it.
What if baking soda wasn’t the only essential product to have in your cupboard? An ancestral powder is now back in the spotlight for its amazing properties. While fighting bedbugs is no easy feat, it seems that the operation is now more effective thanks to the discovery of French researchers who studied the subject for a year and a half. After analyzing numerous products, they can now confirm that a powder already used in home maintenance is formidable for getting rid of them. According to researchers from the Nice University Hospital and the Mediterranean Infection University Hospital Institute (IHU) in Marseille, this powder that you probably already have in your cupboards can kill bedbugs in 24 hours. A real relief for all those who are trying as best they can to get rid of this particularly annoying parasite.
Almost a miracle, this product is well known to fans of natural cleaning. Originating from the village of the same name in the south of France, Terre de Sommières is a natural clay powder with exceptional absorbent power. It is mainly used to remove stains from delicate surfaces without water, such as textiles, carpets, leather and even wooden furniture. It absorbs grease, oil, wine and other stubborn stains in a few hours, without damaging the materials. And now, it is also known to fight bedbugs by killing them through dehydration. Not only does exposure to the powder kill the bedbugs by direct contact, but it also contaminates its fellow creatures.
This discovery is particularly important because diatomaceous earth is a natural, environmentally friendly product that does not create resistance problems, as is the case with insecticides. The latter are ultimately not very effective since they have a repellent effect and move the problem instead of eliminating it.
Since the announcement of this study, there has been a rush in DIY stores. Because yes, the powder is easily found in stores, and at a low price what’s more. In the event of an infestation, it is therefore recommended to sprinkle your bed base with powder for 24 hours before vacuuming. It will also be necessary to treat all areas likely to accommodate bedbugs such as skirting boards, parquet floors, etc. Textiles will be washed at a minimum of 60 degrees.