The purpose What type of childcare should be provided for young children? These are mainly 0-3 year olds. The subject is all the more relevant as the long-standing project of a public early childhood service (SPPE) is really being put in place, even if still very incompletely.
Delving into the historical roots of the realities of wet nurses and the first daycare centers, mastering the ins and outs of the situation and perspectives of contemporary childminders, presenting an overview of standards and needs, summarizing the debates on the quality of the offer, this volume of contributions, signed mainly by lawyers, offers an ambitious overview.
General observation: after concerns about social hygiene and female professional activity, this sector (which encounters problems, particularly in terms of the attractiveness of professions), is increasingly turning towards the essential recipient of this public action: the child himself.
The interest Technical and detailed, while remaining perfectly accessible to all, resulting from a study day bringing together the best specialists (operators and experts), this collective work certainly constitutes the reference on the subject it deals with.
The Young Child, a Subject of Public Policy
Martine Long (dir.), Berger-Levrault, 192 pages, 29 euros.