Capital invites you to discover the most popular neighborhoods in 2024 by buyers and rental candidates, in the 11 largest cities in the country.
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It’s already time for the end of year review. The site specializing in real estate ads, SeLoger, with its 7.8 million monthly users, has unveiled the list of the most sought-after neighborhoods by the French on its website in 2024, in the 11 largest French cities, for the purchase of a house and an apartment. To produce this ranking, the data scientists relied on the number of clicks per ad on the Se Loger site in 2024, aggregated at the neighborhood level. They then calculated the ratio between the number of clicks per ad compared to the number of housing units listed by INSEE in each neighborhood.
Thanks to this methodology, it is possible to know which neighborhoods were most “clicked” by users of the SeLoger site, between January 2024 and November 2024, for properties for sale and for rent. Here is an overview of the most sought-after sectors this year by the French, in each major city.
In the capital, it is the Bercy district, located in the 12th arrondissement, which is the most popular for buying houses. On the other hand, when it comes to apartments, it is the lively 10th arrondissement, more precisely the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul district, which captures the attention of buyers. In Montpellier, it is the west of the city that attracts buyers since it is the Celleneuve district which is most requested by SeLoger users looking for a house. People who plan to buy an apartment in the Hérault prefecture rather target the La Martelle district, located to the west of the city.
SeLoger also revealed the neighborhoods most sought after by rental candidates in the country’s largest cities. In Paris, it is the very chic Chaussé d’Antin district, located in the 9th arrondissement, which attracts the attention of tenants. In Toulouse, rental candidates are primarily looking for an apartment in the Ginestous district, while people who plan to rent a house favor the very chic Carmes district. In Bordeaux, the Lestonat-Monsejour and Capucins-Victoire districts.
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