Healthy life expectancy is increasing again.
In France, life expectancy at birth is steadily increasing. But this is not the only important parameter, there is also (and above all) healthy life expectancy. Until what age can you expect to live without disability when you are born in France? Compared to another European country? When are you retired? These figures were revealed at the end of December 2024 by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) which depends on the Ministry of Health .
What is healthy life expectancy?
Since the 1960s, healthy “life expectancy” (“disability-free life expectancy” or “health expectancy”) has been a social indicator that concerns the well-being of the nation. It corresponds to the number of years that a person can expect to live without suffering from incapacity in the actions of daily life, defines DRESS. This indicator is particularly taken into account in the evaluation of public policies. It is one of the indicators used to monitor the implementation and achievement of the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. The Director-General of the WHO in 1997 (when “disability-free” life expectancy was included in the work of the European Commission and the OECD), Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, indicated that “healthy life expectancy is more important than life expectancy (because) without quality of life, increased longevity is of little benefit“, we can read on the INSEE website.
What is the age of healthy life expectancy for men in France?
HAS at birth, in France, men can hope to live 63.6 years without disability, that is to say in good health. Life expectancy without disability at birth has increased since 2008, by 1 year and 10 months for men.
What is the age of healthy life expectancy for women in France?
HAS birth, in France, women can hope to live 64.2 years without disability, that is to say in good health. Life expectancy without disability at birth has increased since 2008, by 1 year and 11 months for women.
What is the healthy life expectancy at age 65?
According to the latest data calculated for 2023, at age 65, women can expect to live 12 years without disability (so up to 77 years) and men, 10.5 years (75 and a half years). Also, among the years remaining to live at age 65, the share of those who will be lived without disability has increased since 2008: it increased between 2008 and 2023, from 44.7% to 50.8% for women, and from 47 .7% to 52.9% for men.
What is the healthy life expectancy in Europe?
In 2022 (the most recent year for which data is available), France was the 5th country in the European Union for disability-free life expectancy for women at age 65, 2 years and 6 months higher than the average. European. For men, France ranks 7th in the EU, above the European average but with a smaller gap (+1 year and 4 months). France is also above the European average for life expectancy without disability at birth for women (+2 years and 5 months) and men (+1 year and 4 months). It ranks 9th and 10th in the EU respectively.
Healthy life expectancy is calculated from comprehensive mortality data for a country, by sex and age. These data are then crossed with another parameter, that of the existence or not of a pathology perceived as disabling over time by the affected person, via a declarative survey which consists of answering “No”, “A little” or ” Strongly” to the question “Have you been limited, for at least six months, because of a health problem, in the activities that people usually do?” As a result, healthy life expectancy has limits since it is linked to a partly subjective assessment.