17 million. This is the number of retired people in France in 2022, according to the latest Dress report, “Retirees and retirement – 2024 edition” published on October 30. A figure that changes over the years. And if there is one thing in common between long-term retirees, young retirees and those to come, it is the importance of knowing precisely when their pension will be paid each month. It is even essential to manage their daily expenses, in particular to pay their rent, their mutual insurance, plan the maintenance of their vehicle, etc. For some, it is even their only source of income.
Yes, but the transition to retirement is not always easy, especially with the administrative procedures to be carried out and the specific jargon that accompanies them. If you just want to know when you will receive your pension, there are two important terms to know. These are the words “to fall due” and “in arrears”. Depending on the retirement plans, these terms give a precise indication of the payment of pensions.
If you see the term “due” on your pension slip or one of your pension documents, this means that your pension will be paid to you in advance, at the beginning of the month, for the coming month. For example, you will receive payment in early February to cover February expenses. Conversely, if it is indicated “in arrears”, this means that your pension will be paid at the end of the month for the month which has just ended. For example, you receive payment at the end of March for the past month of March.
Be careful, however, you must keep in mind that once paid, the pension may take 2 to 3 days to appear in your bank account, depending on the deadlines of your banking establishment. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, check with your pension fund in advance to find out exactly when the payment is made: is it the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of each month.