In the photo: Michele Diegoli (Source: FB Spettacoli Michele Diegoli)
By February 10, the more than 511 thousand students currently in “third year” are asked to choose the address for the next cycle of studies. A complex decision, probably the “first big choice” for many children, in which in addition to those directly involved, teachers and parents are also involved.
Michele Diegoli, it’s time to enroll in secondary school. What to do and what not to do?
«Addressing parents first, I would tell them not to do anything!».
For families this is an important step…
«True, but parents today have a certain amount of anxiety and even the choice of high school could be seen as a projection of our frustrations. I also speak for myself, a parent myself. For three years I was responsible for incoming orientation in the secondary school where I teach: at the open days the questions from mothers and fathers concern future opportunities, not five years of school… It’s as if we adults wanted to know that the our children are already fulfilled.”
How then to face the choice?
«Thinking about the present and not the future. For the students it is truly a very important decision, perhaps the first as “grown-ups”. The chosen course determines the path, not in an absolute but certainly important way: in high school you enter a boy, a girl, and leave a man, a woman. The question to ask, therefore, is not so much what training offers are offered, but who am I! It’s a difficult question, but let’s take that into account orientation comes from the word East: therefore where the sun rises from, not where it sets!».
In practice, what would you suggest to an eighth grade student?
«To look inside yourself and ask yourself what you want for yourself».
And parents, what should they do?
«Listen to your children, the choice is first and foremost up to them. Choosing also means exposing yourself to the risk of making mistakes and this is exactly how you grow. Better that the child “makes a mistake”, and perhaps after a year he will take the trouble to rethink his school career, rather than shifting the responsibility onto his parents. The help of mum and dad is useful in looking inside ourselves, we courageously ask our children who they would like to be and not what they would like to do. Then you need to “stay” with the questions, without immediately wanting the answers. Children can always amaze us.”
Do you choose with your heart, gut or head?
«I would say from the heart, because being between the belly and the head should be the place of synthesis. As Pascal said, “The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know”. You have to choose what you like, what inspires.”
Seventh grade students also participate in the school open days. When is it a good time to start thinking about your future?
«If it were up to me, I would move enrollment to June of the eighth year of middle school, it would be functional to the growth path of the children, although certainly less convenient for the school administrations. Starting with open days in second grade seems early to me, the kids have the right to enjoy what they are experiencing. Rather, already in the first and seventh grade it is important to start looking within.”
And in your case, how did it go?
«More than 40 years have passed! I opted for classical high school, but it was more my parents’ choice. Those were different times, today I really suggest listening to your children.”
In the photo: Michele Diegoli (FB Spettacoli Michele Diegoli)